Book Extract: Coincidentally in Venice by Kate Zarrelli

I’m happy to be welcoming Kate Zarrelli to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, Coincidentally in Venice.

Best friends Ashley and Juliet, who’ve been made redundant from their marketing jobs during Covid, at last get to go to Venice. The long days of lockdown were made a little easier by looking at webcams of the deserted city. One day, Ash spied a man walking his dog in Campo Santa Maria Formosa. What would happen if she were to meet him for real?

Though Jules hits it off with a handsome waiter, and both girls take the opportunity to think through big career changes, things otherwise don’t go quite according to plan. And why is it that boring Joe from Accounts keeps turning up where he’s not supposed to be? Only, whoever falls in love with Venice won’t stay boring for long, and Joe unwittingly finds himself at the centre of a trade in faked artworks.

Coincidentally in Venice is a joyous celebration of love, friendship, vintage clothes to die for, Prosecco and spaghetti alle vongole. Oh, and not to mention a stolen gondola, a dog called Killer, ten thousand fictitious virgins and an old Grateful Dead t-shirt.


Kate has shared an extract with us today. We hope you enjoy. 


*****beginning of extract*****


It’s April 2022 and best friends Ashley and Juliet are at last able to take their postponed holiday to Venice. In the silent days of lockdown, both girls had feasted their eyes on webcams of the deserted city. In a lonely square, Ashley had spotted a solitary man exercising his dog. Never one to miss an opportunity, Juliet urged her friend to go to that square to get a look at him close up…


Close up the waiter really was worth looking at, even with his nose and mouth covered by the regulation mask. He was slender. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing golden skin and silky dark hairs Ash wanted to reach up and stroke. A little badge bore the name Davide. Ash remembered that in Italian every syllable was pronounced. She rehearsed saying it in her head: Dah-vi-deh.

Il nome è Ashworth,’ pronounced Juliet carefully.

‘Oh yes. You booked,’ he said, in nearly unaccented English. ‘Your table is here. You’ll find the menu with this Q-R code,’ he added, indicating a laminated little square. ‘Or I could just tell you…’

‘Oh yes, just tell us. It’s so good to deal with a real human. What does vongole veraci mean?’

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Book Extract: The Next Step by B R Maycock

I’m so pleased to be welcoming B R Maycock to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for The Next Step, book three in the Abbeyglen series.

Christmas has been all but forgotten as a negative pregnancy test makes Rachel reconsider her future with Todd. The realisation sends her to the small town of Abbeyglen where the opening of Caulfield’s Café is all anyone’s talking about. But it also has her beginning to see returning colleague at Blackwater Financial Services, the loud, hilarious Owen Larrson in a new light.

Natalie has decided she needs a change. In the midst of Christmas craziness, with the grand opening of the café and the excitement of her two children’s Christmas concert, Natalie can only hope the people of Blackwater Financial Services can help her find the job that will change her life. But as ex-boyfriend Darren returns, she realises luck might not be on her side for a bright Christmas after all 

Join two women who are trying to figure out what the rest of their lives hold, in the midst of the mayhem of the most wonderful time of the year in the most wonderful place to be!


B R Maycock has shared an extract with us today. We hope you enjoy. 


*****beginning of extract*****


Hi! So this is a little excerpt/ extract from The Next Step and it’s the lovely Natalie Martin, who works in The Abbeyglen Arms, who has just had a day job hunting. Hope you enjoy!!


‘You’re late, Mammy,’ Katie said, as she walked out of the babysitter’s, gripping her mother’s hand. ‘Today was supposed to be the day you didn’t work.’

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NK Chats With… Alana Oxford

Hi Alana, thank you so much for joining me today. Can you tell me about your novel, A Modern Midlife Christmas Carol and what inspired it?

Thank you so much!

My book is about a frazzled wife/mother who is fast approaching burnout for the holiday season.

I am part of the “sandwich generation” myself, meaning I’m caught in the middle of helping aging parents, but I still have my own children at home to care for as well. I’ve had a lot of powerful conversations with friends and colleagues about navigating this challenging time of life and I drew upon our collective experiences, embellished and fabricated, to explore those feelings under the added pressure of holiday expectations.

I thought this stressed wife/mother character would make a fantastic modern day Scrooge and went from there.


What’s your typical writing day like? Do you like to write in a particular spot? Silence or noise? Any other writing rituals?

I don’t like to be around other people when I write, so depending on who’s home, I’ll either write with my laptop on the dining room table, or closed up in my office.

I prefer to have music playing when I write. I also create a playlist for every book I write. Certain songs act as theme songs for different characters, or they get me in the right frame of mind for certain scenes I’m writing. If I have to step away from writing for a few days due to life, the music will put me right back in the world I’m creating.


What were the challenges you found when writing your novel especially when A Christmas Carol is so well known?

I wanted it to harken back to the original, but not too much. Scrooge himself makes a brief appearance in my book, but I really enjoyed playing with the idea of an overtaxed woman who’s lost her Christmas cheer but is expected to make holiday magic for everyone in her family.

To give myself more direction, I wanted to keep the length of my book to about the length of Dickens’ classic. His is a little more than 30,000 words. Mine came in around 37,000.


Which songs would make up a playlist for your book? 

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Book Review: Falling for a Star in the City by Krysten Lindsay Hager

I’m so pleased to be welcoming Krysten Lindsay Hager back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, Falling for a Star in the City, book two in the Stars in the City series. 

Paige thought she had it all: a job on a soap opera and a boyfriend who was trying to get discovered as a singer/songwriter. Then her part on the show is reduced to reoccurring status and her family pushes her to leave her acting dreams behind to major in journalism—what they call a “real job.” Her relationship with her wannabe pop star boyfriend ends only for her to find out he signed a recording contract right after their breakup. Then she reads online that his new album is about their relationship.

She gets an internship in the sports department at a TV station where she meets a college hockey player named Viktor who has trust issues from a past relationship. Now with Walker’s pop star dreams taking off, it leaves her questioning her acting career and self-worth.

Paige and Viktor begin to fall for each other, but Paige worries their worlds are too different for them to work as a couple. Plus, there’s the issue of her ex coming back into her life.

Now she must figure out what she really needs to be happy and fulfilled in life. Can Paige find both her purpose & true love?


Paige feels that her life is going pretty well. She’s an actress on Charmed Lives and has a boyfriend trying to make it as a singer/songwriter. Then, just like that, it’s all gone and she doesn’t know what she’s going to do. When she gets an internship as a sports journalist, maybe she can begin to piece her life back together again?

Having read and enjoyed the first novel in this series, Stars in the City, I was excited to be invited onto the blog tour for the second novel, Falling For a Star in the City. This latest novel can be read as a standalone if you’re new to the series although I recommend book one. It was nice to see some familiar faces from the previous story. As usual, I am going to try and review without spoilers.

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NK Chats To… Minnie Lewis

Hi Minnie, thank you so much for joining me today. Can you tell me about your novel, Beyond the Smiles and what inspired it?

I wanted to write a book about a strong, young, independent woman who appears to have everything going for her but doesn’t realise that the people she’s close to aren’t what they seem. Laura became that character and it just went from there.


What’s your typical writing day like? Do you have a favourite place to write and any writing rituals?

I didn’t adopt a strict routine. I wrote some days and not others; but I thought about the book almost all the time. I’m a morning person so most of my writing was done by mid-afternoon.


What were the challenges you found when writing your novel?

The main challenge was to keep the reader engrossed even when a situation is being revisited through new eyes. I hope I achieved that.


Which songs would make up a playlist for your book?

It would be a mixture of old and new – but they’d all have to be upbeat tracks.


Which fictional character would you like to meet and why?

Dr Who – as I’d like to travel back into the past.


From idea to finished book, what’s your writing process like and how long does it typically take you? How do you approach editing?

My time was divided roughly into three – thinking time, writing time the editing / proof reading. I probably spent 70% thinking about the characters and plot, 15% writing the book and 15% editing.


Which comes first for you, plot, or characters?

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Book Review: A Classy Affair in the Country by Margaret Amatt

I’m so happy to be welcoming Margaret Amatt back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, A Classy Affair in the Country – book ten in the Glenbriar series. 

It’s hate at first sight… But he’s about to dismantle her walls brick by brick.

Young heiress Ophelia Chattan-Blythe needs a miracle to save the family estate, and working with Brann – the ruggedly handsome, popular, and extremely irritating local builder – is not it. He may have a smile that can melt diamonds, but when he and Ophelia hit it off on the wrong foot, she starts to hate him with a passion.

Single-dad Brann isn’t all he seems. He’s built up a good business, though it doesn’t stop him from being lonely. Falling for a beautiful but stubborn heiress isn’t part of his master plan. But how can he not find Ophelia’s serene charm and whip-like comebacks irresistible?

As Brann and Ophelia work together, their arguments advance to attraction, and their desires ignite. But it’s more than Brann’s job’s worth to act on his feelings and Ophelia mustn’t, not if she’s to secure a wealthy match and stop her family from going under. A love this intense should be worth the fight, but constructing a happy ending is an almost impossible task without breaking all the rules.


I was very pleased to be invited onto the blog tour for A Classy Affair in the Country by Margaret Amatt. Although we’ve previously featured this author, this is the first novel of hers that I’ve read (I am not sure why it’s taken me this long to read one and for that I can only apologise.)

Being book ten in the Glenbriar series, I was worried that I’d struggle to keep up but as I discovered, this can be read as a standalone.

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NK Chats To… L A Johnston

Hello. Thank you so much for joining me today. Can you tell us a little about your novel, Manhattan Melodies Azorean Dreams and what inspired it?

Manhattan Melodies Azorean Dreams is deeply personal, as it draws from my own experiences from a trip I have taken to the island of Sao Miguel. The novel follows two individuals in different stages of their lives, who find each other when they need each other the most, despite being from vastly different worlds.

The inspiration came during a visit I made to the Azores, a place that holds a special significance for me. Walking through the lush landscapes with my fiancée, the Atlantic stretching endlessly on the horizon, I couldn’t help but reflect on how different life felt there compared to the city. The reason I selected Manhattan as the home location for the protagonist Olivia, I had anticipated getting engaged there, but alas the Covid virus vetoed my plans. That contrast—between the hectic, concrete jungle and the tranquil, almost timeless feel of the islands—sparked the idea of a character caught between these two places.

Through the novel, I explore themes of identity, cultural heritage, and belonging. Like my protagonist, I’ve often felt the pull between these two worlds, trying to navigate the fast-paced city life while being deeply connected to the quieter, introspective rhythms of the Azores. The novel became a way for me to reconcile those feelings and celebrate both the rush of the city and the profound beauty of the islands.


What’s your typical writing day like? Do you have any writing rituals like writing in silence, a favorite place to write, coffee or tea?

I start writing usually in the evenings, usually with a bucket sized cup of tea perched on the arm of my sofa. I prefer writing in silence, though sometimes instrumental jazz or classical music sets the mood. I write for several hours, aiming for a balance between disciplined output and creative flow.


Were there any challenges when writing your novel?

One of the main challenges was capturing the essence of two vastly different places—New York and the Azores—while making them feel interconnected. Balancing the pacing was tricky as well; I had to ensure that the slower, reflective moments of island life didn’t drag down the story’s momentum, while also letting the hustle of Manhattan breathe naturally into the plot.

With my homeplace being situated up a single-track country road, that in places is only marginally wider than a patio door, and being constantly surrounded by birdsong, painting a vivid landscape of the island of Sao Miguel using appropriate diction to keep the reader invested is second nature to me, almost to the extent wherein the Sao Miguel itself almost becomes a character However, I have my doubts that I have been able to pull this off in the Manhattan landscape where the early chapters of the novel is set.


Which songs would make up a playlist for your book?

The playlist would be comprised exclusively of long songs. Top three songs would include:

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Book Extract: A Death Of Fresh Air by Helen Golden

I’m so excited to be welcoming Helen Golden back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, A Death Of Fresh Air, book 10 in the A Right Royal Cozy Investigation book series.

In a charming seaside town, secrets don’t stay buried for long…

‘Body of Chef Found in Wall Three Years After He ‘Left to go to Australia’

Human remains found inside the wall of a disused building have now been identified as those of Victor Blackwell. He was the head chef at Windstanton’s The Seaside Lounge until just over three years ago, when, according his friends, he left for a job in Australia. Detective Inspector Albert Finch from Fenshire’s Cold Case Unit has asked for anyone who has information about the chef’s movements three years ago to come forward.

We have no choice! With only three weeks until the Grand Opening, the last thing Bea and Perry need is the grim discovery of a skeleton in the wall of Simon and Ryan’s soon-to-open restaurant, SaltAir. But when it’s designated a crime scene, and the policeman in charge of the investigation into Vic’s murder refuses to let them have access to continue the refurbishment, they have no other option than to investigate the murder themselves or risk letting Simon and Ryan down.

But in a town where everyone harbours secrets, can they uncover the truth in time or will SaltAir’s opening be a damp squib?


Helen has shared an extract with us today. We hope you enjoy. 


*****beginning of extract*****


In the serene seaside town of Windstanton, royal amateur sleuth Lady Beatrice, and her best friend and business partner, Perry Juke, embark on the restoration and refurb of Ryan Hawley, and Perry’s husband, Simon Lattimore’s, soon-to-open restaurant, SaltAir.  With the Grand Opening only three weeks away, the town is buzzing about the new restaurant and advance bookings are flooding in. Everything is looking great. There’s just a stud wall and an ugly old bar to knock down and they’ll be finish on time. What could possibly go wrong?


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Book Extract: The Ex-Mas Holidays by Zoe Allison

I’m so happy to be welcoming Zoe Allison to Novel Kicks to celebrate the book birthday of The Ex-Mas Holidays.

Falling in love can sometimes go off-piste…

There’s never a good time to bump into your ex – so Maya Bashir is shocked when she comes face to face with her old flame Sam Holland, who is wearing nothing but a tiny apron, working as a naked butler at her friend’s Christmas party.

Having driven home for the holidays after losing her boyfriend, flat and job – and dreading her father’s inevitable disappointment that she still doesn’t have a fifty-year plan – perhaps Sam is exactly the distraction Maya needs.

But as sparks begin to fly, Maya doesn’t know if she can let Sam back into her heart so easily… With Christmas day fast approaching, will Maya find love or disaster under the tree?


To celebrate, Zoe has shared an extract with us. We hope you enjoy and that it helps you feel a little festive.


*****beginning of extract*****


Context: Maya stops off at her friend Kirsty’s festive party on her way home to Glenavie after breaking up with her boyfriend and losing her job. She doesn’t know anyone at the party except for Kirsty.


‘Have a seat,’ Kirsty said, with a wink. ‘I’ll be back in a sec.’

Maya sat on the massive, soft, grey sofa next to a couple of the other guests. The room was so stylishly decorated that it was difficult to keep her envious eyes off all the furnishings. It was clearly a new build, and Kirsty had the place done out to the nines.

A smiling woman wearing a black jumpsuit shifted over to take Maya’s hand in a shake. ‘I’m Isabelle.’

Maya returned her smile. ‘Maya. Nice to meet you.’

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Novel Kicks Book Club: A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

October is here. Autumn has arrived, the clocks go back and of course, Halloween is approaching. 

It’s one of my favourite months (although I am a little biased with it being my birthday in October.) I am sad to be saying goodbye to summer but at the same time, I love the colder nights. It’s a great reason for the warm blankets, tea and books. Not that I’ve needed an excuse.

This month, the featured book we shall be reading is A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. This is book one in the All Souls series and I think it’s perfect for the spookiest month of the year.

Our book club is open to everyone. It’s online so no need to remove the warm socks, get up from the comfy sofa and discard the cozy blanket. I think this is even the best excuse for a hot chocolate too… go on, treat yourself. I’ve posted a question below to get the discussion going. Whether you’ve already read it or will be reading along with me, I look forward to discussing this book with you in the comments.


About the book: 

Diana and Matthew – the forbidden love at the heart of it.

When historian Diana Bishop opens an alchemical manuscript in the Bodleian Library, it’s an unwelcome intrusion of magic into her carefully ordered life. Though Diana is a witch of impeccable lineage, the violent death of her parents while she was still a child convinced her that human fear is more potent than any witchcraft. Now Diana has unwittingly exposed herself to a world she’s kept at bay for years; one of powerful witches, creative, destructive daemons and long-lived vampires.

Sensing the significance of Diana’s discovery, the creatures gather in Oxford, among them the enigmatic Matthew Clairmont, a vampire genticist.

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Book Review: How To Slay At Work by Sarah Bonner

Please join me in welcoming Sarah Bonner to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, How To Slay At Work.

When your boss is at a conference in a city where there’s a suspicious death, it’s unlucky.

If it happens twice, it’s odd.

But when she’s in the same city at the same time as a third unexplained death . . .

Could she be a stone-cold killer?

Millie’s always known her boss Freya is a psycho – the demanding and ever-changing coffee orders, the cryptic instructions, the apparently expected mind reading and don’t even start on the insistence that Millie wears heels . . . All. The. Time.

But it only extends as far as exacting office standards. Right?

As Freya’s assistant, Millie has privileged access to her diary and travel history and when a pattern emerges of men (who seem to have no connection to each other) dying in cities where Freya is travelling, Millie is determined to figure out what’s going on.

After all, a stone-cold killer could be exactly what Millie needs . . .

A sharp, funny and deliciously dark thriller that fans of Katy Brent, Bella Mackie or Killing Eve will love.


Millie works at cosmetics company, Serendipity. She has big dreams though. She wants to make it to the main office in L.A. However, she doesn’t like her boss and when strange things begin to occur, she asks herself… her boss couldn’t be a killer, right?

The idea of this novel really caught my attention when I was invited onto the blog tour for How To Slay at Work and I couldn’t wait to get started.

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Book Review: Doris Flies Solo by M W Arnold

I’m excited to be welcoming M W Arnold back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for his novel, Doris Flies Solo – the latest book in the Broken Wings series. 

Air Transport Auxiliary pilot Doris Johnson is sent on a solo trip, escorting a British General on a secret mission to Scotland, vital to the success of D-Day, the forthcoming invasion of Nazi occupied France.

Her natural inquisitiveness means her life is in put in great danger and she’ll need more than her superb flying skills to survive.

Doris has to trust her own instincts, and those of the new friends she makes, so that everyone comes through their adventures in one piece. Not everything is as it seems, sometimes by design, as she faces whatever is thrown at her with a determined smile and the spirit to stand fast for what is good and right.


We are back at RAF Hamble with the ladies from the Air Transport Auxiliary. This time, Doris ventures out on her own when she is tasked with a top secret mission; to accompany an important General. However, where there is any member of the ATA Mystery Club, intrigue and danger is soon to follow and it isn’t long until it finds Doris.

Right, I am going to try and talk about this novel without giving away spoilers. It’s going to be hard but, deep breath… here we go. Haha.

It is so brilliant to be back with these characters. Having read all the books prior to this one, I have grown so incredible fond of every single one of these ladies. If this is your introduction to the Broken Wings series however, don’t worry, I feel it can be read as a standalone. Be sure to put the whole series on the TBR pile though.

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Audiobook Review: Another Life – An Audible Original by Karla Marie Sweet

When the External Womb Programme is launched, the news is controversial. Hundreds take to the streets in protest, feeling strongly that growing a baby outside of the human body is “unnatural”. But thousands more people rejoice: at last, an alternative for those who wish to have children but worry about the physical toll it may take. A chance that throwing a baby-shaped grenade into one’s career path might not derail it entirely.

For Lucy, whose acting career is finally taking off, the news is well worth celebrating. Could having a baby this way mean she can have it all? As she and her husband James embark on their journey, however, it becomes clear she’s not being entirely honest with him and, as an old flame returns, everything is thrown into jeopardy.

Decades later, the use of external wombs is commonplace. But a corrupt government stepping into power leads to this groundbreaking piece of technology falling into the wrong hands, forcing everyone to reckon with a challenging new world and their place within it.

Performed by Erin Doherty (The Crown) and Kingsley Ben-Adir (Bob Marley: One Love), Another Life marks the arrival of a brilliant new literary talent that will thrill, entertain and challenge you from beginning to end.

Another Life is part of Audible Originals showcasing new and original fiction from talented British authors commissioned exclusively by Audible. These handpicked “audio first” stories cannot be found anywhere else or in any other format (such as print or eBook) and are at the heart of Audible’s mission to offer the most captivating and compelling audio content to book lovers.


Another Life by Karla Marie Sweet is an Audible Original and I was offered the chance to gain access to this novel prior to its release. I have to say, the premise of it intrigued me. As a huge fan of dystopian fiction, I couldn’t wait to get started.

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Book Review: Bella’s Countryside Christmas by Claire Huston

I’m pleased to be welcoming Claire Huston back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, Bella’s Countryside Christmas.

An uplifting festive romance perfect for fans of Hallmark Christmas movies and authors such as Phillipa Ashley, Trisha Ashley, Sue Moorcroft, Rebecca Raisin and Donna Ashcroft.

Fleeing her heartache and horrendous job, Bella stumbles upon a December wedding in the beautiful village of Haileybrook and the spirit of the season moves her to act as a fake date to handsome stranger Jack.

Jack and Bella hit it off, but Bella has to leave in a hurry and their magical evening soon becomes nothing more than a blissful memory.

A year later, Bella is returning to Haileybrook, seeking a fresh start and a quieter life. With a new job close to her cosy cottage home, a peaceful Christmas is surely only days away.

But it’s not long before family surprises, small-town feuds and romantic drama disrupt Bella’s plans, and she has to wonder if being alone is what she really wants for Christmas …


Bella’s visit to Haileybrook was meant to be quick. However, when she meets Jack, the night ends very differently to what she expected. When they meet again a year later, it’s not plain sailing. Can Christmas work its magic on Bella’s life or has she made a big mistake?

It’s a pleasure to be welcoming Claire Huston back to Novel Kicks and I jumped at the chance to be part of the blog tour for her latest book, Bella’s Countryside Christmas.

I love this cover. It’s so beautiful and really helps set the festive tone. This continues from the first page to the last as we get to know Bella. She, hands down, has to be one of my favourite fictional characters. Her love life aside, she really doesn’t take any **** and has confidence in situations I could only dream of having.

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Book Review: Murder at Midwinter Manor by Anita Davison

I’m pleased to be welcoming Anita Davison to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her latest book,  Murder at Midwinter Manor – book three in the Miss Merrill and Aunt Violet Mysteries series. 

Escaping the city doesn’t mean escaping the criminals…

1916, Midwinter Manor: Desperate for a Christmas weekend break from war-torn London, Hannah Merrill and her Aunt Violet take Bartleby the cat and themselves off to visit Hannah’s sister, in her beautiful country estate, deep in the English countryside.

The huge house is full of relatives, friends and merrymakers, and everyone’s excited to have a Christmas to remember.

But then, when a fellow-guest’s body is found in the library – apparently bludgeoned to death – and a precious ruby is stolen from another guest, it appears that it’s going to be memorable for all the wrong reasons.

With the house snowed in, and the rural police force completely incapable of finding a single credible suspect, Hannah and Aunt Violet realise that once again it’s going to be down to them to get to the bottom of it.

Because whoever’s behind the crimes must be at Midwinter Manor… And if they’re not found, who knows what their next ‘gift’ will be?

A totally unforgettable Golden Age, country house, cozy crime novel, perfect for fans of Helena Dixon, Verity Bright, and Agatha Christie.


It’s Christmas, 1916. Hannah Merrill and her Aunt Violet are on their way to Midwinter Manor to spend Christmas with Hannah’s sister and her family. It’s not long before a case presents itself. When a fellow guest is murdered and a ruby stolen, the ladies are in a race against time to find the person responsible.

Two things drew me to this book. First, the premise intrigued me and second, it was set at Christmas so I was excited to be invited onto the blog tour for Murder at Midwinter Manor. This was my introduction to both the author and this series. If, like me, you’ve not read the previous novels, don’t worry, this can be read as a standalone.

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Book Review: The Best Is Yet To Come by Jessica Redland

It’s a pleasure to be welcoming Jessica Redland back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her latest novel, The Best Is Yet To Come.

Emma is having a fresh start.

After a successful teaching career, an exciting new chapter awaits Emma – helping her fiancé Grayson run one of Beatrix Potter’s farms. While imagining days spent supporting Grayson with his dream, working the land and helping with the animals, Emma harvests a dream of her own – to set up an alpaca-walking business around the farm.

But working together isn’t as easy as Emma expected. Soon her dreams are in tatters and, broken-hearted, she must start over yet again.

When Oliver, Rosie and the team at Willowdale Hall welcome Emma with open arms, she can’t believe her luck. But starting a new business in a new place is a daunting prospect, especially when it comes with unexpected obstacles. With a reserved, prickly groundskeeper as a partner, rapidly changing family dynamics to contend with, and time running out to get her new career off the ground, Emma may have bitten off more than she can chew.

But even though things are not going to plan just yet, the best is yet to come for Emma, if she can just take a leap of faith and follow her heart…

Escape to the Lake District with million-copy bestseller Jessica Redland, for an uplifting story of family, friendship and love.


It’s always a wonderful day when there is a new Jessica Redland novel to read and i was so pleased to be invited onto the blog tour for The Best Is Yet To Come. 

This is book three in the Escape to the Lakes series and almost immediately follows on from the previous novel, A Breath of Fresh Air which ended on a cliffhanger (I am not going to give anything away on that front.)There is a little catch up chapter at the beginning of this novel so, if it is your introduction to the series, you don’t need to have read the prior novels in order to read this one. I do recommend them though. 

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Book Review: Christmas Ever After by Jaimie Admans

I am beyond excited to be welcoming Jaimie Admans back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her latest book, Christmas Ever After. 

A picture-perfect town, a place where dreams come true. Welcome to Ever After Street…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but Franca Andrews has never felt more miserable. With business far from bustling, she needs a Christmas miracle to keep her beloved nutcracker shop open… But there’s one man standing in her way – expert snow globe maker Raff Dardenne.

Dardenne Snow Globes have a magical reputation for bringing lovers together, a myth that Raff continues to exploit, much to Franca’s annoyance! But this Christmas their shops are pitted against each other and only one gets to stay on Ever After Street. Franca doesn’t know how her handmade nutcrackers are ever going to compete with Raff’s magical snow globes, especially at the most magical time of the year!

Franca’s determined to prove Raff’s business is built on lies. But when disaster strikes, and she’s left unable to make anything, she needs help. It’s just very frustrating that the only person offering is her gorgeous, annoying, nemesis himself!

As these two enemies get to know each other, Franca discovers another side to Raff – kind, caring and funny. . But unless she can prove that his magical snow globes can’t really match true lovers together, she’s going to lose everything…

But maybe it’s not too late for them to put aside their differences and find some Christmas magic of their own?


Words can’t describe my excitement whenever a new book in the Ever After series gets released. When I got invited onto the blog tour for, Christmas Ever After, I couldn’t wait to get reading.

This is book four in the series. However, if you’d like your introduction to Ever After Street to have a festive feel, it can be read as a standalone.

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Novel Kicks Chats To… Nova García

Hello Nova, thank you so much for joining me today. Can you tell me about your novel, Not That Kind of Call Girl and what inspired it?

Not That Kind of Call Girl is in many ways, my personal story. It’s about a young newspaper call center manager with post-partum depression juggling a colicky newborn, a meddling mother and a skirt-chasing boss while working, undercover, to untangle a vulnerable employee’s mysterious relationship with a Hollywood icon. Saving the employee part is the fiction, but the rest mirrors my life.

My mission in writing this novel was three-fold. (1) Tell a highly relatable & humorous story about a woman experiencing post-partum depression so those who’ve been through it know they’re not alone and open the gate for conversation. (2) Make the protagonist, Julia, a Latina. Latinos make up 19% of the U.S. population according to the 2023 U.S. Census, and yet, we aren’t featured much as primary characters in the literary industry. While the lack of representation is improving , there’s still a long way to go. (3) Shed light on an injustice most often inflicted on powerless women, that isn’t often in the public consciousness.

What are the challenges you found when writing your novel?

When I first wrote the book, I loved it and couldn’t wait to find an agent to represent me. The trouble was, after more than a hundred tries, no one offered me a contract. Yes, more than a hundred! Dejected, I put the book away for three years then started up again. I felt connected to my lead character (probably because she and I are one and the same), so I kept her, deleted every chapter but one and started again. Luckily, The Wild Rose Press offered me a contract the second go around. So, what was the challenge? Staying motivated after a staggering number of no’s and no responses.


What’s your typical writing day like? Do you have a favourite writing spot and any daily writing rituals?

I really should follow a schedule, but I don’t. I write when the mood strikes. Sometimes, I’ll go a month or more between writing stints which gives my brain time to recoup. If my head’s not in the game, there’s no sense in sitting down and staring at my computer. I do my writing in a home office, but admittedly, our two little dogs distract me from time to time with their need for attention, which I happily oblige.


What songs would make up a playlist for your book?

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Book Review: This Is Not a Holiday Romance by Camilla Isley

I am so excited to be welcoming Camilla Isley back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her latest novel, This Is Not a Holiday Romance.

Two sworn enemies, snowed in over Christmas with chemistry that will melt the ice!

Nina Thompson has one Christmas wish: to avoid her brother’s obnoxiously handsome best friend, Tristan, like the plague. From the moment he humiliated her as a teenager to their escalating revenge schemes, Nina and Tristan’s relationship can only be defined as an all-out prank war! And there is yet to be a winner.

But it just so happens the ghost of Christmas present has other ideas. When Tristan unexpectedly crashes her family’s Christmas, Nina’s dreams of a peaceful holiday vanish faster than Santa up a chimney. Determined to end their rivalry for good, she braces herself for one last prank-filled showdown.

But when they find themselves snowed in, with no way of avoiding each other amongst the holiday festivities, they discover their heated exchanges have been masking a different kind of sizzle. Caught in a snow globe of holiday romance, they decide to let their fiery chemistry burn bright—but this is absolutely and unequivocally nothing more than a secret fling destined to melt with the snow, this is not a forever romance…

This Is Not a Holiday Romance is an enemies to lovers, brother’s best friend, forced proximity rom-com perfect for fans of Sarah Adams, Abby Jimenez, and Lynn Painter.


Nina is looking forward to spending Christmas with her family or she was until her brother’s best friend, Tristan joins them. Can she get through the holiday with her sanity and her heart in one piece?

I have become such a big fan of this author. I was excited to be invited onto the blog tour for This is Not a Holiday Romance.

Nina is a brilliant character. She has strength and doesn’t let anyone walk over her. I was cheering for her all the way through.

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Book Extract: Dangerous Descent by Evie Jacobs

Please join me in welcoming Evie Jacobs to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her novel, Dangerous Descent.

The first rule of undercover work—don’t get attached…

Pilot Elise Hughes left the family business in the Florida Keys and now flies the rich and powerful to and from the Rocky Mountains. When she has to execute a by-the-book emergency landing, it’s no big deal. But being stranded in a small town with her handsome new colleague is something else entirely.

Obsessed with getting justice for his murdered father, undercover FBI agent Eric Erickson believes retribution is finally within reach. Until things get complicated. And dangerous. And he’s forced to face a few too many realities—including Elise’s connection to a well-known crime boss.

After Elise is kidnapped by the same man who took Eric’s father, he has a choice to make—find Elise or exact revenge. Meanwhile she has a choice of her own—trust the dangerous family she never knew she had or the man who’s been lying to her from the start.


Evie has shared an extract with us today. We hope you enjoy it. 


*****beginning of extract*****


Set Up: Eric is an FBI agent who has been working undercover as a pilot at a private airline to investigate a mob boss passenger. After being forced to land in a small Nebraska town, his co-pilot is kidnapped by the mobster. Eric set out to save her, but after freeing her from one crime family, they run into another. And this one is Elise’s actual family. Eric and Elise are captured and are being taken to a mafia compound.

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Novel Kicks Book Club: Blind Spot by Paula Hawkins

Hello September. 

The first of the ‘ber’ months. It’s the back to school month. I confess, I’ve always loved this month especially when I was younger. It gave me an excuse to get new stationery although my husband will tell you I have enough notebooks.

The nights are getting a little shorter. It’s the perfect month to settle in with a good book and I hope you’ll find this month’s pick a good companion.

This month’s pick is Blind Spot by Paula Hawkins. 

I am a fan of Paula’s novels and this novella sounded interesting. At only approx 128 pages, it’s a quick read.

Anyone can take part in our book club whether you’re reading along with me or have already read it. People who have seen the TV series are also welcome. The best part, you don’t have to leave your house to take part. I’ve posted a question below to kick off discussion and I look forward to chatting with you there.


About Blind Spot: 

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Blog Tour: After The Husbands by Gina Cheyne : NK Chats To… Gina Cheyne

Hello Gina. Thank you so much for joining me today. Can you tell me about your novel, After the Husbands and what inspired it?

After the Husbands is set on a river cruise in Vietnam. I have always been fascinated by Vietnam, ever since I was in the USA shortly after the Vietnam USA War had finished. There I kept meeting men who had served in Vietnam and hearing their stories of this incredibly beautiful place torn apart by war. It gave me a real interest in the county but I always wondered what the Vietnamese thought about the USA. Then a couple of years ago we were lucky enough to win a Mekong Cruise; the basis for After the Husbands was set.


What’s your typical writing day like? Do you have a favourite place to write and any daily rituals?

I have three places in the house where I like to write, and one away from home. The first is my office, which is good in the summer or if there are too many people in the house, however it has a big drawback; it has three outside walls and is perishingly cold in the winter. My second favourite place, and where I do most of my writing is on the kitchen table. There I am definitely in the thick of things and I enjoy the general buzz around me. However, sometimes that gets too much and I retire to the only smart room in the house. It is very seldom used but is within the body of the house so it is warm. I like to sit behind the sofa on a little table and write. In that place I have a fabulous view of the garden and the world outside my writing.

Away from home I will write on my Ipad. My computer is very old and I don’t like to carry it outside the house, so I write on the Ipad and transfer my writing back there when I get home.

Most days I will write in the morning, but sometimes life gets in the way of writing and then I just take whatever moments I can get to write. Once I’m started I find it easy to concentrate, even when surrounded by people.


What were the challenges you found when writing your novel especially when it’s part of a wider series?

The biggest challenge for me in the series is remembering the exact timeline and not making children into adults too early or adults suddenly regress ten years. I do spend a lot of time working out what ages people should be.


What songs would make up a playlist for your book?

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Cover Reveal: Bella’s Countryside Christmas by Claire Huston

I’m so excited to be helping to reveal the cover for Bella’s Countryside Christmas, the upcoming novel from Claire Huston.

Before I reveal the cover, here’s a little about the book which is part of the Haileybrook Village series.

An uplifting festive romance perfect for fans of Hallmark Christmas movies and authors such as Phillipa Ashley, Trisha Ashley, Sue Moorcroft, Rebecca Raisin and Donna Ashcroft.

Fleeing her heartache and horrendous job, Bella stumbles upon a December wedding in the beautiful village of Haileybrook and the spirit of the season moves her to act as a fake date to handsome stranger Jack.

Jack and Bella hit it off, but Bella has to leave in a hurry and their magical evening soon becomes nothing more than a blissful memory.

A year later, Bella is returning to Haileybrook, seeking a fresh start and a quieter life. With a new job close to her cosy cottage home, a peaceful Christmas is surely only days away.

But it’s not long before family surprises, small-town feuds and romantic drama disrupt Bella’s plans, and she has to wonder if being alone is what she really wants for Christmas …

OK, here we go. Are you ready? 3…2…1… 

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Book Extract: Mistletoe Moments by Stephanie Wood

I am pleased to be welcoming Stephanie Wood to Novel Kicks. Today, we are saying happy book birthday to Mistletoe Moments, book five in her Christmas on The Close book series. 

You are invited to spend CHRISTMAS ON THE CLOSE where each of the neighbours are celebrating in their own special way.

Veronica and Owen are looking forward to a happy Christmas on The Close with their friends and neighbours.

Their son, Travis, is due to take some important exams, but will he be able to concentrate when a serious crush derails his schedule?

As their fortieth birthdays approach, some significant celebration will be required, but how can Veronica agree to Owen’s life-changing request?

The fifth standalone episode of ‘Christmas on The Close’ shows how sharing a treasured life with someone does not necessarily result in sharing the same treasured dreams.


In celebration of its book birthday, Stephanie has shared an extract from Mistletoe Moments. We hope you enjoy it. 


*****beginning of extract*****


Teenager Travis has a crush on his neighbour’s daughter and knows she is out of his league, but with an opportunity to get close to her, he dares to dream about what might happen…


 Travis wasn’t sure how he’d got away with it, but he had convinced his parents he would rather revise for his English Literature exam than go to the fireworks display and they had left him to it.

He couldn’t imagine anything he would rather do less than translate a passage of Shakespeare into readable English, but somehow they had believed it and agreed to give him the space to study in peace and quiet.

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Cover Reveal: A Modern Midlife Christmas Carol by Alana Oxford

I am so excited as I help to reveal the cover for A Modern Midlife Christmas Carol, the upcoming novel by Alana Oxford.

Before I reveal the cover, here’s a little about A Modern Midlife Christmas Carol – 

Christmas cheer was dead, to begin with.

The world rests on Eliza’s shoulders. The kids, her husband, work, her elderly mother and don’t forget her newest friend, perimenopause. It’s too much to carry, but she’s been doing it for years. It’s just what a good wife and mother does, isn’t it? 

When another Christmas rolls around, Eliza is drained by all the expectations and logistics of the holiday season. She’s fast approaching her breaking point, only no one around her notices she’s on the edge.

After an incident at her in-law’s on Christmas Eve brings things to a boiling point, she finds herself with three unexpected visitors. The spirits of the past, present, and future take her on a journey through her life to shake her out of the rut she’s gotten into. Their messages leave her with new possibilities: reconnect with her past, reclaim her present, or forge a new future, and you, the reader, decide which option is best! 


OK, are you ready. Drumroll. 3…2…1…

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Book Review: The Final Score by Carys Jones

I’m excited to be welcoming Carys Jones to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, The Final Score.

It’s never too late for revenge…

Connie Winchester was once a celebrated music prodigy… but those days are long behind her. So when Daniel Layton shows up on her doorstep to interview her about her career, Connie Winchester is flattered to be remembered.

But as he moves through her story, it all comes back. Robin. Her friends. The drugs. What happened that final night. The lies she told.

Connie has been running from her past for years. But now there’s nowhere left to run…


Connie Winchester has led an illustrious life as a world leading violin player but feels like the world has all but forgotten her. Now in her 80’s, she agrees to be interviewed. As she begins to talk about her life, it comes back to haunt her. 

I was intrigued to read this novel from Carys Jones and pleased to be invited onto the blog tour for The Final Score. 

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Book Review: Last Christmas by Clare Swatman

I’m excited to be welcoming Clare Swatman back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, Last Christmas.

‘Bea was always early for everything. Even, it turned out, when she was running away from her life.’

As Christmas approaches, Bea Preston has a choice.

Looking up at the departures board in Heathrow airport, her flight to New York boarding soon, she knows that getting on that plane changes everything. Her life in London has grown stale, her relationship with boyfriend Dom has run its course, and New York has always been her dream. But it’s a risk – she’ll miss her parents, her friends, her job.

What if Bea could live both lives? In one she goes back home for Christmas, and in another she heads to the Big Apple. Would her fate remain the same, or can one decision really change everything?

In a grand sliding-doors love story that spans oceans, years and lives, Clare Swatman’s unforgettable tale of fate and friendship is perfect for all fans of Jojo Moyes, Beth Moran and Ruth Jones.


Bea is running from her life. Standing at the airport, she faces a choice – to stay or to go?

Having become a big fan of Clare Swatman, I felt excited to be asked onto the blog tour for her latest novel, Last Christmas.

The premise for this novel is one I find so intriguing as it looks at these moments and decisions that have the potential to change the rest of your life. Of course, you can only know the outcome for the decisions that you make. However, this book follows Bea and shows alternative realities – one showing what happens if she stayed in her current life and the other showing her life if she’d left.

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Book Review: A Corpse in Christmas Close by Michelle Salter

I’m pleased to be welcoming Michelle Salter back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, A Corpse in Christmas Close, book five in The Iris Woodmore Mysteries series. 

When a pantomime turns deadly, Iris investigates a cast of killers…

Christmas, 1923. When reporter Iris Woodmore is sent to cover the Prince of Wales’ visit to historic Winchester, she discovers more than just royal gossip.

The leading lady in Winchester Cathedral’s charity pantomime is found dead in mysterious circumstances. And the chief suspect is Cinderella’s handsome prince, played by Percy Baverstock’s younger brother, Freddie.

For the sake of the Baverstocks, Iris must investigate the murder, even though it means confronting an old enemy. And as the line between friend and foe blurs dangerously, she’s ensnared by someone she hoped she’d never see again…

Everyone’s favourite amateur sleuth returns for a Christmas mystery, perfect for fans of Verity Bright, Claire Gradidge and Emily Organ.


It’s 1923 and Iris Woodmore is preparing for royalty to arrive in Winchester. However, when a girl is found murdered on the day of the Prince of Wales’s visit, Iris is in a race against time to find the person responsible before they potentially strike again.

I am such a BIG fan of the Iris Woodmore Mysteries series and was very excited to be invited onto the blog tour for book five in the series, A Corpse in Christmas Close. Iris and a mention of Christmas in the title. Come on, no brainer.

It was so lovely to catch up with Iris. She’s a strong, independent woman and such a wonderful character to read. I love that she forges her own path, especially in the time in which this novel is set. She’s how I hope to have been had I lived in that time period. It was also fabulous to catch up with the familiar faces surrounding Iris.

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Book Review: The Fecking Fabulous Forties Club by Freya Kennedy

I’m very excited to be welcoming Freya Kennedy to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her novel, The Fecking Fabulous Forties Club.

Becca Burnside isn’t sure where it all went wrong. How did she end up single in her forties, with the highlight of her weekend being a trip to Big Asda with her mum and the only chance of cuddles coming from her dog?

It’s fair to say that Becca’s life isn’t quite where she’d hoped it would be. She already knew that, deep down, but when she finds the time capsule she and her friends made as teenagers and remembers the hopes and dreams sixteen-year-old Becki (with an i) had for the future, she knows she has to do something, and fast.

Refusing to be controlled by her hot flushes and Unexplained Waves of Sadness, Becca is determined to turn things around – for Becki’s sake. But what will it take to prove there’s life in the old girl yet?


Now in her forties, Becca is wondering how the most exciting thing in her life has become a trip to ASDA. After finding a time capsule and a letter from her 16 year-old self, Becca is determined to improve her life, hot flushes and menopause be damned.

Having been a big fan of this author’s psychological thrillers (where she writes as Claire Allan,) and The Hopes and Dreams of Libby Quinn, I was excited to be invited onto the blog tour for The Fecking Fabulous Forties Club,

First, I want to show some appreciation for the title. I love it. Haha.

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Book Extract: Legacy Of The Runes by Christina Courtenay

I’m so excited to be welcoming Christina Courtenay back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her latest novel, Legacy Of The Runes.

A bond that even time cannot break

Storm Berger has never forgiven himself for his younger sister Madison’s disappearance. Suspecting she’s travelled back to the ninth century in the footsteps of other family members, Storm can only make sure she’s safe by going after her.

Raised unconventionally as her father’s only child, Freydis has never been content to simply accept her fate. So, when she’s promised in marriage to a tyrant, she’s determined to find a way out of the arrangement. Help comes in the form of a mysterious and attractive stranger stranded on her island’s shores: Storm.

The only way Freydis can truly be free is for Storm to marry her himself. But that would mean entwining lives that, until now, have been separated by centuries. . .


Christina has shared an extract with us today. We hope you enjoy it. 


*****beginning of extract*****


The heroine Freydis’s betrothed, Ingolf, has come for a visit to look her over and she hates him on sight:

Freydis made sure she behaved impeccably during Ingolf’s visit, and to her huge relief, he left the following day. He only spoke to her one more time, to say farewell. ‘I will see you at the Yuletide celebrations over on Mávey. I’ll be there too.’

‘Yes.’ She nodded, even though this was the first she’d heard of it. She hadn’t known they would be going there this year, but it didn’t matter.

‘Until then, farewell.’ He gripped her face with both hands and placed a proprietorial kiss on her mouth, then turned to stride down the path towards the ship that was waiting in the cove.

She suppressed a shudder and made a beeline for the bathing hut. There was water and lye soap there, and she used it to scrub her mouth thoroughly. It was the only place she could do it in private, and she couldn’t let anyone see what she was doing. Ingolf’s kiss hadn’t been slobbery or unpleasant, merely impersonal and harsh, yet the imprint of it lingered. It was his way of branding her, she supposed. Her skin still crawled at the thought of it. Never again. She would not let him anywhere near her.

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Book Review: Kings of Conflict by MJ Porter

It’s a pleasure to be welcoming MJ Porter back to Novel Kicks and their latest novel, Kings of Conflict, the final, thrilling instalment in the Brunanburh series.

Can King Edmund of the English banish the Norse invaders from England one final time?


In the wake of the agreement reached at Lincoln between Edmund and Anlaf Sihtricson of the Norse, Edmund returns to Wessex to reflect and rebuild, impatient to reverse his losses at Lincoln.

But this is the winter of discontent. In Jorvik and the kingdom of the Scots, those who’ve waited too long to become kings in their own right grow restless.

As the enemies of the English turn on themselves, Edmund senses the opportunity to reclaim all his brother, the victor of Brunanburh, managed to gain before his untimely death plunged England back into war with her many foes.

With his sights set firmly on York, can he recreate the England his brother built, or will the enemies of England realise the error of their ways and once more unite to drive Edmund back to Wessex, leaving York in the hands of the Norse.

A thrilling conclusion to MJ Porter’s epic retelling of the consequences of the battle of Brunanburh.


Kings of Conflict is the final instalment in the epic Brunanburh series.

The book sees old rivals pitched once again against each other as Edward fights to create a united England. Can the Scots and the Norse hold on to what they have won, or will Edward take York and banish the dependents of Ivar The Boneless?

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Book Review: The House Of The Witch by Clare Marchant

I’m excited to be welcoming Clare Marchant to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her latest book, The House of the Witch.

Utterly gripping timeslip historical fiction, perfect for fans of The Witch’s Tree, The Essex Serpent and Weyward.

Now: When Adrianna arrives at the small, run-down cottage, near the sea in rural Norfolk, she can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Here she can forget her life in the city, and the problems she’s left behind there, at least for a while.

But – like Adrianna herself – the cottage holds secrets. And when Adrianna finds a mysterious bundle of notes hidden under a floorboard, she can’t shake the idea that they’ve been waiting for her. Especially when – in the rambling, overgrown garden – she then finds a strangely-carved stone, drawing her into a centuries-old mystery…

1646: Between her work as the village midwife and the medicines she sells from her cottage, Ursula has no need for a man. But this ideal leaves her unprotected in a world where just one accusation of witchcraft can mean certain death. So when she catches the eye of a powerful new local doctor, she must use every part of her cunning, or risk becoming his prisoner…

Can the two women – their paths bound by place and history – each find the keys to their own destiny?



Ursula lives alone. After witnessing the death of her mother at the hands of her father, she is determined to make her own way in the world. As the local midwife and healer, she is content, owns her cottage and makes her own money. However, the arrival of Dr. Oliver Bruton threatens the life she has built for herself and all it will take is one accusation. 

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Book Review: Careful What You Witch For by Emma Jackson

I’m pleased to be welcoming Emma Jackson to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for Careful What You Witch For.

Two complete strangers.

One life-changing spell.

Becca Ashworth’s family is in trouble and with their magical legacy under threat, it puts their small village of Biddicote at risk too. So going against the witching tenets to summon an ancestor for help seems like a small price to pay to fix the problem…at first.

Connor Lynch is the Witches Council’s secret weapon and he’s just been deployed to find out exactly what the Ashworths are up to. But how he ends up posing as Becca’s fake husband at a magical inn in Cornwall as they hunt down a magical artefact is just as perplexing as the cheerful witch herself.

When their attraction for each other grows, Becca and Connor question everything they have been taught – and soon the missing artefact isn’t the only thing they are searching for. As love collides with duty, it’s clear that sometimes you need to be careful what you witch for…


Rebecca Ashworth comes from a family of witches, all who have special magical abilities.  When her family, her home and the village of Biddicote is threatened, she sets out to find a stolen family artefact that will help eliminate the threat. Her biggest hurdle is Connor Lynch, an Abrogater representing The Witches Council. Can Becca find what is lost without giving her family secrets away to a stranger? 

It’s such a pleasure to be a part of the blog tour for Careful What You Witch For. First, can we talk about this book cover. It’s so pretty. 

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Novel Kicks Book Club: In A Thousand Different Ways by Cecelia Ahern

August is here. Whoop Whoop.

Even though the weather can’t quite make up its mind, it’s still the month of Summer and holidays and lovely afternoons reading.

This month, I’ve picked a book from one of my favourite authors.

This month’s book pick is In A Thousand Different Ways by Cecilia Ahern. 

There’s a bit about the book below. As usual, anyone can take part in our book club, whether you’ve already read this or will be reading along with me. The best part… you can do this from the comfort of your own armchair, the beach, garden, balcony.

I have put a question in the comments below to kick off the discussion. See you in the comments.


About In A Thousand Different Ways: 

She knows your secrets. Now discover hers…

You’ve never met anyone like Alice. She sees the best in people. And the worst. She always seems to know exactly what everyone around her is feeling: a thousand different emotions. Every. Single. Day.

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Book Review: A Lady’s Fortune by Jane Dunn

I’m so excited to be welcoming Jane Dunn to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, A Lady’s Fortune.

In Regency England, twenty-seven-year-old Leonora Appleby is considered by many – herself included – to be beyond her most eligible marrying years. With her childhood home, Hasterleigh Manor, soon to be taken over by the heir to the land, George Lockwood, Leonora has happily resigned herself to a quiet life as a country Miss.

But life has a way of springing surprises and the return of the brooding war hero Earl Rokeby, presumed dead on the French battlefields, to the magnificent neighbouring Rokeby Abbey has the village atwitter with speculation. Earl Rokeby has returned, scarred in mind and body, with news for Leonora’s best friend Charlotte Blythe – news that will change everything.

Now Charlotte and Leonora must travel to Town for the Season and take their futures and fate into their own hands in the whirl of balls, parties and gossip. But will either of them return to Hasterleigh with a husband and a fortune, and what other secrets does the devastatingly dashing Alistair Rokeby have up his silken sleeves…


Many people, Leonora Appleby included, believe that she is beyond marrying age. Even though she’s in her late twenties, she is absolutely fine with not being tied to a marriage. Anyway, she has more pressing matters – like her home being passed over to heir, George Lockwood. With the arrival of both George and the mysterious Earl Rokeby, what else will life throw at her?

Oh I love a regency era novel and got very excited when I was invited onto the blog tour for Jane Dunn’s latest book, A Lady’s Fortune.

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Book Extract: A Good Man by PJ McIlvaine

I’m pleased to be welcoming PJ McIlvaine to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, A Good Man.

He wants to remember. He’ll wish he could forget . . .

Decades after a brutal childhood trauma, a famous novelist finds his life shattered once again, in this unsettling psychological mystery thriller.

Brooks Anderson should now be enjoying life, but the persistent nightmares and sleepwalking still haunt him.

As hard as he’s tried, he can’t run away from the defining event of his life: the senseless murders of his mother and brother during a vacation in Montauk, which left the eight-year-old Brooks the sole survivor of the carnage and in a catatonic state. He buried his pain and eventually overcame his demons.

But now an unscrupulous journalist is threatening to twist the truth by digging up the past. To prove his innocence and exorcise his demons, Brooks must dig into his own psyche and the events of that fateful summer. His pursuit of the truth soon leads Brooks down a slippery slope that challenges everything—and will bring him face-to-face with the real monster of Montauk . . .


PJ McIlvaine has shared an extract with us today. We hope you enjoy. 

Warning: Language. 


*****beginning of extract*****


Brooks believes that he’s a good father. He loves his children and they have all the material comforts. He’s fiercely protective of them. After the childhood tragedy that robbed him of his mother and older brother, he won’t even take them to the beach—too many bad memories. But here, after his young daughter is savagely mauled, Brooks feels small and powerless. Once again, he failed.

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Book Review: The Treehouse of Dreams by K.T. Dady

I’m pleased to be welcoming K.T. Dady to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her latest book, The Treehouse of Dreams.

Welcome to Pepper Bay, where you’ll find love, drama, and a happily ever after.

The Treehouse of Dreams: When Willow Silver pays for a psychic drawing of her soulmate, she truly believes that one day he will come into her life, not that she has any time for love. She’s busy helping run the family garden centre. Plus, her best friend, Cody, is staying with her for a while, so she doesn’t feel she could run off in the name of love and abandon everyone, even when she bumps into a man who looks exactly like the one in the drawing.

Snuggle down with this cosy, feel-good, comfort read that whisks you away to a beautiful bay on the Isle of Wight – Perfect for fans of Christie Barlow, Alison Sherlock, Rachael Lucas, and Holly Martin.


After a break up, Willow decides to turn to a Psychic and receives a drawing of what her soulmate looks like. So, when Kip shows up looking exactly like her drawing, Willow sees it as fate. However has her soulmate been a little closer to home all along? 

It’s nice to be able to return to Pepper Bay, K.T Dady’s fictional village on the Isle of Wight. Liking the premise of this novel, I felt excited to be invited onto the blog tour for The Treehouse of Dreams. Although this is book thirteen in the series, you can read this book without having read any of the other books although I plan to add the others to my TBR list. 

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Book Extract & Review: The Trap by Ava Glass

I’m very excited to be welcoming Ava Glass to Novel Kicks today and the blog tour for her latest book, The Trap. 

Edinburgh. The 50th annual G7 Summit is being hosted by the UK, and intelligence agent Emma Makepeace, has less than a week to decode, defuse and disable a deadly threat to the leaders of the free world.

The Russians are in town and Emma and her team know a high-profile assassination is being planned. But who is their target? And who is the assassin?

There is only one way to find out. Emma must set a trap using herself as bait.

From the majesty of the Scottish Highlands to Europe’s most lavish hotels, using private jets, phone taps, and her training and instincts honed by three years hunting Russian spies, Emma Makepeace must trick her way into the moneyed, champagne-fuelled playground of the super-rich in order to trap the killer.

But Emma doesn’t count on liking her target, or the fact that he might actually fall for her, and with the clock ticking and her cover wearing increasingly thin, danger looms over her. One false move and they could both be dead.


I’ve reviewed The Trap below but first, Ava and Penguin have shared extracts from The Trap with us today. We hope you enjoy it. 


*****beginning of extract*****


This Extract is from Chapter 2 of The Trap by Ava Glass, published by Penguin Cornerstone on August 1st 2024.

As the two men shook hands, Emma stood stiffly; her mouth had gone dry. The man talking to Ripley was the most important person in British Intelligence. His real name was Giles Templeton-Ward but to everyone in the country he was known, as all heads of MI6 always had been known, simply as ‘C’.

‘Glad you could get here so quickly. The situation is developing.’ C spoke quietly. His accent was nearly identical to Ripley’s, making him a product of Eton or Harrow and then Oxford, undoubtedly.

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Book Extract: When You Were Mine by Emma-Claire Wilson

I’m so excited to be welcoming Emma-Claire Wilson to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, When You Were Mine

One mistake could change their lives forever…

My life is a mess. My marriage is falling apart, and I’d hoped the arrival of our baby girl would bring us closer together. Yet, as she grows, I see less of a resemblance to my husband, stirring unsettling questions.

I was hoping a visit from my friend, Victoria would bring some stability. With her seemingly perfect life in Spain, she embodies hope for a brighter future.

But our reunion has taken an unexpected turn. And when a shock diagnosis shakes our family further, Victoria doesn’t know it yet, but she might just hold the key to saving our family.

But if I want her to help, a big secret has to come out. Revealing the truth risks everything – my marriage, our friendship, our families. Can we weather this storm, or will it shatter us beyond repair?

An emotional and powerful novel of motherhood, friendship and what family means to us all. Perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult and Susan Lewis.


Emma-Claire has kindly shared an extract with us today. We hope you enjoy. 

Warning: Strong Language. 


*****beginning of extract*****


This extract is from the very beginning of the novel when we meet Nicole. Nicole is in her 40’s, battling with a newborn baby and an eight-year-old young son. Life isn’t exactly going how she thought it was, she had hoped to be moved over to sunnier climes by now, but a ‘surprise’ pregnancy scuppered her plans. With the mundane aspects of life keeping her going, how long can she cling on to the fraying pieces of strings that seem to be holding her family, and her marriage, together.




Dundee – October 2022


I scrabble around, my hand searching in the darkness for something I know is there, but I just can’t find. It’s a dance with the devil that I play every damn day – Lucifer in the form of white goods.

The washing machine. My nemesis. I refuse to let him win this time; I will not stick my head inside the hole of doom.

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Book Review: Five Days by Zoë Folbigg

I’m so happy to be welcoming Zoë Folbigg to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her novel, Five Days.

When Jesse Lightning meets Minnie Byrne, he is having a bad day.

Reeling from the effects of a very bruised heart, the last thing Jesse wants is a new friend. But Minnie is hard to say no to, and reluctantly Jesse realises that her impetuous playfulness might do him good.

So when Minnie suggests they go on fortnightly platonic dates with no strings, no promises, no expectations beyond good company, Jesse agrees before he has a chance to think too deeply about it.

Two friends.

Five days.

No chance of another broken heart.

Until Jesse reveals a secret that proves Minnie’s heart isn’t as safe as she thought. Thank goodness five days isn’t enough time to fall in love…

Once you meet Jesse and Minnie you’ll never forget them. This is bestseller Zoë Folbigg at her absolute best with a story of friendship, love and taking chances. Perfect for fans of Cathy Kelly, Mike Gayle, JoJo Moyes and David Nicholls.


Jessie is having a bad day when he meets Minnie. There is something about her that draws him in, he just can’t put his finger on it.

When they both decide to have platonic play dates together, it seems like a good chance to spend some time with someone, to do new things. They won’t fall in love…. right? 

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Book Review: Finding Love At Sunset Shore by Bella Osborne

I am beyond excited to be welcoming Bella Osborne back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her latest book, Finding Love At Sunset Shore.

Sometimes, you have to fake it until you make it…

Ros is too busy for a boyfriend; between work and looking after her poorly father, there’s no time left for a relationship. But when she overhears her dad’s dying wish is for her to find love, Ros is determined to make it happen – or at least, make it look like it has.

Enter Cameron, a struggling mature student with a mountain of debt but a zest for life.

Ros, driven by love for her ailing dad, reluctantly agrees to the simple business transaction: paying Cameron to play the role of her boyfriend. Ros meticulously plans their fake relationship – but when Cameron decides to go off-script, chaos ensues.

As Ros and Cameron navigate the ups and downs of their faux romance, their differences drive each other crazy. But they may just need each other more than they think…


Ros likes order and structure. She is also so busy going between work and looking after her father that she doesn’t have time for love. However, when her father wishes to see her happy, she wants to make it so, or at least give that impression. Enter Cameron.

Darla’s parents think she’s off on adventures around the world, not living in Southampton working multiple jobs to pay off debts that had nothing to do with her. When a new job puts her in Elliott’s path, it’s annoyance at first sight but will it stay that way?

A new Bella Osborne novel. Ah, all is right with the world. First, this cover… hello. It’s georgous.

As you know, Bella is a previous contributor to Novel Kicks and so it’s a pleasure to welcome her back. I jumped at the chance to be part of the blog tour for her latest book, Finding Love at Sunset Shore.

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NK Chats To… P. A. Sheldon

Hi Paul, thank you so much for joining me today. Can you tell us a little about your book, Fireside Horror and what inspired it? 

Hi Laura, thank you for inviting me to talk about my new book. Fireside Horror is a collection of 10 interconnected tales set in the fictional Edwardian town of Wendlelow. Each story is designed to be read individually, but when combined together gives a larger narrative which draws to a conclusion in the 10th and final tale. I was inspired by the works of M. R. James, the classic ghost story writer of the Victorian/Edwardian era, and by the Folklore of the British Isles, which I have always had a great interest in.


What were the challenges of writing 10 interconnecting stories and what was the hardest part of the writing process? 

There were a great many challenges, firstly ensuring that each story was self-contained enough that it could be picked up and read without any prior knowledge of the other tales.

I always envisioned someone reading the book, and then being able to re-read it a second time and pick up little hints and clues that connect to the final tale, dropping these little biscuit crumbs, without giving away too much, was a challenge.

I suppose the hardest part of the writing process, at least for me, was coming up with the stories themselves, the threats and problems the characters face, the ways they attempt to resolve them.


What’s your typical writing day like – do you have any rituals and a particular place you like to write? 

Being a working father with two boys, I really had to set aside time to write, I aimed to try to write for at least 3 hours a week, this would usually be when my family were in bed, I would write at the dining room table, though now my eldest son has gone to university I finally have a spare room to work in. As for rituals I don’t personally have any, but my little dog Lily does, she likes to lie on my feet while I’m writing. This is perfect in the winter months as it keeps my toes warm.


What’s your favourite word and why? 

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Book Extract: The Song Of Youth by Effrosyni Moschoudi

I’m very excited to be welcoming Effrosyni Moschoudi back to Novel Kicks and to wish her a happy publication day for her latest novel, The Song of Youth. 

Emilia wished to be young again… and then, it happened.

Emilia Paschos is feeling distraught on her 45th birthday. Believing that she’s lost out on life, she makes a wish to be young again. Next, a mysterious gypsy called Esmera offers her the chance to become younger at will, simply by singing a song. Soon, unexpected news sweeps Emilia off to the island of Milos with an opportunity to start her life anew.

A nosy neighbor, a flirtatious ex, and an obnoxious cousin cause trouble, but then two strange girls, Elise and Chloe, turn up and begin to help in miraculous ways, being just as magical as Esmera. They are all angels, except Emilia has no idea…

Being young again whenever she wishes it makes Emilia feel exuberant, but it pales in comparison to the way Andreas, a handsome widower and newly established restauranteur on the island, makes her feel. Together, they rescue a puppy, and now she feels like she is being rescued too.

Because Andreas, who is in his 50s, has eyes only for the real her, not for her younger self. The only problem is, her angelic gift keeps expiring in the most awkward moments!

How much longer can she keep her secret? And, what will she choose? The exhilarating gift of youth… or the sweetness of love?


Effrosyni has shared an extract with us today. We hope that you enjoy. 


*****beginning of extract*****


Emilia wobbled her arms in front of the mirror. No chicken wings. Tight and perfect. Oh, I had missed you so much!’ Grinning with elation, she lifted her arms to kiss them both successively. She leaned closer to the mirror, her fingertips on every nook and cranny of her face and neck and all over her features. Spotless. Perfect. Wrinkle-free. This is a miracle! She was so excited now that she had to bite her lips to keep from screaming or thinking out loud. She couldn’t say too much. The guy could hear.

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Book Spotlight: The Cornish Beach Hut Café by Jane Linfoot

I’m so pleased to be welcoming Jane Linfoot to Novel Kicks. Today, we are shining a light on her latest novel, The Cornish Beach Hut Café.

A fresh start among old friends…

Florence May never expected to trade the high life of London for the cosy comfort of a beach hut in her Cornish hometown, but the moment she steps inside she knows it was the best choice she ever made. The fact that it comes with a requirement that she sets up a business on site? A minor setback that’s easily fixed by opening up a surfside outpost of her friend Clemmie’s Little Cornish Kitchen … where Floss finds herself unexpectedly flourishing.

And when the hotel owner next door sets out to buy the land out from under her? Floss calls on her loyal friends to help her save her little slice of heaven. Because if there’s one thing the community of St Aidan does well, it’s banding together to make the most of every second, whatever life throws at you.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: The Family Secret

It’s Friday which means it’s time to start writing some fiction.

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing flash fiction prompt.

The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can.

Don’t edit, just write. Once you’re done, you’re welcome to share in the comments but there’s no obligation. 


Today’s prompt: The Family Secret

You are part of a powerful royal family who rule over most of the world. They have kept their power with the help of the dragons by their side.

The family is on the verge of war with another ruling power.

You are due to turn eighteen. This is when you find out the family secret… you find out where the dragons come from along with the plan to come out the winner in the upcoming conflict.

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Blog : Cover Reveal: A Scottish Island Summer by Julie Shackman

I’m so excited to be helping to reveal the cover for A Scottish Island Summer, the upcoming novel from Julie Shackman. 

Before I reveal the cover, here’s a bit about the story:

When ambitious city girl, Darcie Freeman is sent to the Isle of Skye to conduct research for a travel guide, she’s horrified. The prospect of having to travel to a remote island in the Scottish Highlands leaves her wondering what she’ll do.

Step in Logan Burns. Gorgeous and adventurous, he lives and breathes the island, and along with his sister Iona, who owns a rather haphazard PR company, they’re going to show Darcie everything she needs to know about Skye.

As Darcie swaps her designer shoes for her walking boots and her faux fur jacket for her raincoat, will she learn there’s more to life than the picture-perfect presence she shares on social media, or will it be the case that Skye is the limit…


OK, are you ready to see the cover? Drumroll… three…two…one… 

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Book Review: The Wrong Woman by O.J. Mullen

Please join me in welcoming O.J. Mullen to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for his novel, The Wrong Woman.

Everyone has secrets. Are yours worth dying for?

Julia Sutherland isn’t too sure about her new colleague. Ellis Kirkbride is friendly, charismatic and handsome, but there’s just something about him – a bit too slick, a bit too confident, and he stands a bit too close. Normally she’d share her concerns with her husband Rob, but he’s been distant lately and Julia has a secret he mustn’t find out.

Ellis Kirkbride thought he had found the right woman. She was everything he could want but she didn’t want him. And that was unacceptable…

In a tale of twisted love and chilling revenge, bestseller O.J. Mullen will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. Perfect for fans of K. L Slater, Claire Douglas and Sue Watson.


Julia feels that life is pretty good. She is happily married to Rob, has a job at one of the top marketing agencies in Glasgow and leads a team she loves. When she gets a chance to build a campaign for a big new development, the only downside is she’s now having to work with the agency’s new recruit, the successful Ellis Kirkbride.

I loved the premise of this novel when I heard it. I was excited to be invited onto the blog tour for The Wrong Woman.

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Book Extract: The Lost Queen by Carol Mcgrath

I’m excited to be welcoming Carol McGrath to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her novel, The Lost Queen.

1191 and the Third Crusade is underway . . .

It is 1191 and King Richard the Lionheart is on crusade to pitch battle against Saladin and liberate the city of Jerusalem and her lands. His mother, the formidable Eleanor of Aquitaine and his promised bride, Princess Berengaria of Navarre, make a perilous journey over the Alps in midwinter. They are to rendezvous with Richard in the Sicilian port of Messina.

There are hazards along the way – vicious assassins, marauding pirates, violent storms and a shipwreck. Berengaria is as feisty as her foes and, surviving it all, she and Richard marry in Cyprus. England needs an heir. But first, Richard and his Queen must return home . . .

The Lost Queen is a thrilling medieval story of high adventure, survival, friendship and the enduring love of a Queen for her King.


Carol has shared an extract from The Lost Queen with us today. We hope you enjoy it. 



*****beginning of extract*****

Chapter Two

October 1190
The Palace of Pamplona, Navarre Berengaria

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NK Chats To… Donna Levin

Hi Donna. Thank you so much for joining me today to talk about your book, The Talking Stick. Can you tell me about this particular novel and what inspired you to write it?

Some years ago I was having coffee with a novelist friend, we talked about how we would both like to write a novel about a magical object. His idea was a device that would make people fall in love with him. Mine was about an object that would allow the possessor to read minds.  We each went back writing our novels then in-progress.

Meanwhile, I was invited to join a new writing group in Marin. This was a group of women who’d been together a long time, and I’m cynical enough that I worried about what effect I’d have on their dynamic, but in fact it was a revelation.  They made room for me.  At this later stage in life, I discovered the healing power of women’s friendships.  And by the way, they’re all sharp critics, too.


What’s your typical writing day like? Do you have any particular writing rituals and a particular place you like to write?

Run to the neighborhood Starbucks and get the venti mocha. Home to semi-recline on the futon on the 3rdfloor with my laptop where it belongs — on my lap (hence the name). My children AT LAST are grown, and now I have two cats, Cabernet and Chardonnay, to keep me company.  Alas, they shed so badly that I can only camp out on that futon after changing into some kind of “loungewear,” which is a euphemism for pajamas.


What were the challenges you found when you were writing your novel?

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Book Review: It Started With A Book by Camilla Isley

I’m so happy to be welcoming Camilla Isley back to Novel Kicks and the blog tour for her book, It Started With a Book.

Lose yourself in Lakeville Hills in this gorgeous new romance from bestselling author Camilla Isley…

When she’s ghosted by yet another Tinder match, Leighton swears off dating for life. Who needs apps and blind dates when she has the perfect-in-every-way (apart from being fictional) heroes of her beloved romance novels?

That night Leigh finds a second-hand book on her TBR pile, which transports her to the small-town of Lakeville Hills, where the heroines wear shorty-shorts and the men drink bourbon. And as Leigh drifts off to sleep, she dreams of billionaire cowboy Killian St Clair, who could win a gold medal for smouldering and bicep flexing.

For a while, Leigh finds it easier to stomach misogynistic supervisors, newly coupled friends, and extravagant bridesmaid duties knowing she can return to Lakeville Hills each evening. Until one day, she wakes up to find she’s brought a bit of Lakeville Hills back with her: the impossible sexy and entirely implausible Killian St Clair is in her apartment.

Now Leigh must help Killian navigate the real world. But as she gets to know the man behind the trope, can she keep her heart safe, or does she risk falling in love with her book boyfriend in real life?


Leighton has not been lucky in love. Sick of disastrous dates from apps, she finds herself curling up with a book on a Friday night. Except, this is no ordinary book. 

Anyone who has followed this blog for a while will know how big a fan I am of Camilla Isley so I will always jump at the chance to take part in her blog tours. It Started With a Book was no exception. 

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