Harper, 9th March 2017
Iris Parker has passed away. She’s left the large amount of money from the sale of her house to her three daughters; Rose, who is tight lipped, controlled and closed down, Dee (Daisy) who is sensitive and has a big heart and the youngest sister, Fleur who is the free spirit.
The catch of the inheritance is their mother’s kicking the bucket list. The girls have to get together every other month and take part in various tasks set out by their mother. These are six weekends where Iris wants her girls to bond.
The three sisters have been estranged for years. Neither of them understand the other and not one of them is happy about having to get together. Dee needs the money as the home she has rented for years is about to be sold, Rose is distant as she has her own tragedy to face and Fleur is more lonely than she is letting on.
Can they make it through the year and get to know one another again like their mother wants them to?
This book resonated with me on such a level that it was sometimes hard to read and I imagine it would be the same for anyone who has lost a parent. That was through no fault of the book that I found some passages difficult. I didn’t want to stop reading. I just spend most of it trying not to cry.
Each woman is fighting her own battle but none want to communicate it to the other two. There are moments where you want to bang their heads together.
There are some funny moments on one page and then I was crying the next. Seriously, this book is a rollercoaster of emotions.
The idea of the Kicking The Bucket List is endearing and you can see that Iris cares deeply for her daughters and that it bothered her a lot that her three girls did not make time for one another. She also has a great sense of humour. She reminded me a little of my Nan actually. The same warmth.
This is a great look into the complicated but important relationships between siblings; in particular that of sisters.
The Kicking The Bucket List is a book of journeys and discoveries – both for the characters individually and collectively.
This was a fantastic book and if you’re looking for a book that’s a little different, then this is the book for you.
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