The Balham Literary Festival is in its third year.
The festival for 2018 is well underway and has been since the beginning of May. There’s some great events happening throughout June so there is still time to buy tickets to attend.
On 7th June, at 19.00, Oxfam Balham is playing host to Diana Evans and Guy Gunaratne. Guy is the author of In Our Mad and Furious City and he will be joined by Diana Evans, who is the author of Ordinary People.
Entry for this is £5 or if you’d like to have a copy if In Our Mad and Furious City and Ordinary People to take away with you, tickets are £25.
On 9th June, Natasha Pulley, author of The Bedlam Stacks will be in conversation with the author of The Story Keeper, Anna Mazzola.
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