I am so excited to be welcoming Lindsey Kelk back to Novel Kicks. We’re the final stop for her ‘The Bridesmaid Blog Tour’ for her new novel, Always The Bridesmaid which was released by Harper on 7th May. We’ve reviewed the book plus Lindsey and Harper have shared an extract with us but first, we chat to Lindsey about her new book, fictional places and books…
Hi Lindsey, thank you for joining us. Which fictional place would you like to visit?
OOH. Narnia might be nice for a getaway. I bet their wifi reception is terrible, I might actually get some peace.
Is there a fictional character you’d like to swop places with for a day and why? What would you do?
My mind has gone completely blank. Is there a character who can fly and make themselves invisible who is utterly, blissfully happy all the time? No? Oh. Then I’ll just be Frog from Frog and Toad Forever because he had a lovely life.
Can you tell us about your new book, Always The Bridesmaid and how the idea originated?
Like most of my stories, it came from my friends and our lives. We’re mostly all in our early to mid-thirties but we’re all over the place on the relationship spectrum, married, happily and unhappily, single, divorced, with kids, without kids. I wanted to tell a story from someone in the middle of the two intense situations happening at the same time – one friend getting married and the other getting divorced. From there, Maddie just came into her own.
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.