The year is 1999. Returning to practice after a suspension for stealing opioids, a young Scottish doctor takes the only job he can find: a post as a senior house officer in the struggling east London hospital of St Luke’s.
Amid the maelstrom of sick patients, over-worked staff and underfunded wards a darker secret soon declares itself: too many patients are dying.
Which of the medical professionals our protagonist has encountered is behind the murders? And can our unnamed narrator’s version of the events be trusted?
It’s the 1990s. Our narrator has a new job as as a senior house officer at an East London hospital after a suspension for stealing opioids.
When suspicious and unexplained deaths start to plague the hospital, who is responsible? Can we even trust our main character?
I’d not read any of Simon Stephenson’s previous books so I didn’t know what to expect. The premise however intrigued me so I was eager to get started.
I have to admit, it did take me a couple of chapters to settle into this novel as I got to know the main protagonist. Once this had happened though, I found I couldn’t put the novel down as I became completely invested in this story.
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