NK Fiction Friday

Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Interrogation Room

Novel Kicks Fiction FridayFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Interrogation. 

You are in a police interrogation room. You can decide whether you want to write from the point of view of the accused or the accuser.

Decide what the crime has been. Serious or petty?

Write a conversation between the accused and accuser but try not to disclose what crime has been committed.


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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Space Race

Novel Kicks Fiction FridayFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt is about a space race. 

In the eleventh hour before a big race across space, you are fired from the team. On the morning of the race, you’re hired by the rival team. Your presence does not go down well with your former teammates. The stakes are high and the prize is life changing.  The race is about to begin. On your marks, get set….

What happens in this race? Does anything underhand happen?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Very Short Story

Novel Kicks Fiction FridayFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt is not a long story. 

Write a short story in a hundred words or less. Subject, characters and setting is your choice but it has to be told in a hundred words or less. If you need some inspiration, there are some prompts below.

Two members of the public are stuck in a lift with a celebrity.

The door at the end of a very dark corridor suddenly opens.

For one hour, you find you can suddenly see and talk to that one person you miss.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Wedding Lottery

Novel Kicks Fiction FridayFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt involves a wedding lottery.

A system is introduced that means marriage partners are chosen by a lottery.

You don’t meet your spouse to be until the day of the wedding.

Write about one wedding. What happens? What conflict emerges?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Planets Meeting

Novel Kicks Fiction FridayFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt is about the planets around us.

The planets are all getting together for their annual solar system conference. What they talk about and where they meet is up to you.
However, the only rules…. Venus likes Mercury. Jupiter is grumpy and Neptune doesn’t like Earth (is jealous of earth,) so they can’t sit next to one another.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Woods For The Trees

image1Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Woods for the trees.
What does the picture inspire?
If you need further inspiration, how about this… There are two characters – one male and one female and they are just about to enter the woods. It is up to you whether this man and woman get on and why they are going into the woods. It is also up to you what happens once they go into the woods.


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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: It’s All Mythical

Novel Kicks Fiction FridayFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: It’s all mythical. 

For today, write a story that is based on or uses figures and creatures from mythology. Any time period or culture. Your choice.

For example, what if Thor met up with his best friend once a week at a bar. His best friend is a basilisk by the way.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: A Villain With A Happy Ending?

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1-1-1-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: A Villain with a Happy Ending.

It’s always good to see things from another point of view. What is the villain in fairy tales got their happy ending? What if they are not evil but been misunderstood. Rewrite a fairy tale from the villains point of view.

What is going on with the evil stepmother? Is she evil or is Cinderella not as nice as she seems? What about the ugly step sisters? What if Gaston told his story? The witch in Hansel and Gretel? How different would the stories be if the villains got the happy ending?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Mythical Creatures

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1-1-1-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Mythical Creatures.

There is a meeting today. The attendees are a dragon, a fairy, a mermaid, a unicorn and bigfoot. They are all meeting up for their weekly catch up over a drink.

Write about their evening. What would they talk about? Do they get on well? What would their day have been like?

Write up to 1,700 words.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: A Different Fate?

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1-1-1-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

I adore reading. I love getting to the stage where I can see where the character has ended up. However, I know I will sometimes read a book and wonder what would have happened had the story gone the way I thought it was going to go and didn’t.

Think about one of the books you’ve read where the ending didn’t finish the way you wanted.

Rework it the way you wanted it to play out rather than how it ended.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: String a Sentence Together

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1-1-1-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: String a Sentence Together…

For today’s prompt, use the following three sentences in a story.

‘The most beautiful smile I ever saw.’

‘Emma found something buried in the garden.’

‘Finally, the key gave way.’

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Exam Time

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1-1-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Exam Time

You are one of five candidates for a job. You’re lead to a room where you are told you need to sit an exam. The first person to finish gets the job. You are not allowed to take anything with you. There are five desks, five exam papers but only one pen…

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Super Sibling Rivalry

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: It’s Christmas Day. Your character is a superhero and has gone home to see the family for the day.

Their sibling is also there. This sibling happens to be an evil supervillain. Write about what happens over dinner.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Mirror Mirror…

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1-1-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: 

Your mirror begins to talk to you and tells you that you’re the fairest of them all. You believe it. It also says that it can grant wishes. You get a wish every day. All you have to do is say the words ‘mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?’

All is going well to begin with but then….

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: New Best Friend

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1-1-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: You wake up one morning to find that your favourite fictional character is your best friend.

What is the first thing you do? And the second etc. You need to fill the whole day. Throw some conflict in there as well.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Alien Question Time

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

An alien invites you to dinner. You are told you can ask him/her five questions. Using dialogue, create those questions and then get the alien to answer them. What is the aliens reaction to your questions? Is the alien friendly?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Fill in the Gaps

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164-1.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Fill in the Gaps: 

Fill in the gaps in this story. There should be five words (of any length) between each of them and it has to make sense.

….. ….. ….. ….. ….. snowfall ….. ….. ….. ….. …..elephant ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. double ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. massive ….. ….. ….. …… ….. again ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. clown ….. …… …… …… ….. disagreed ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. health ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. travel ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. season.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Turn To Your Right…

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Turn to the Right. 

Write about the thing you see when you turn immediately to the right. Write down as much detail as you can.

Is it a person or an object? What happens if this object suddenly begins to start moving by itself?

Give this object an actual name.


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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Looking at Things From a Different Angle.

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Pick a situation from real life experience or from somewhere online like a news article or maybe take a section of your favourite story.

Look at the story from a different angle. Write it as though something in the story happened differently. For example, what if it were the white rabbit just sat there reading and minding his own business outside his burrow in Wonderland and Alice walks by. The rabbit then follows her into our world. What if the villain is really the good guy and vice versa?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Word Association

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: 

Grab a blank piece of paper and a pencil. Fold the piece of paper in half or draw a line through the middle. Using one of the prompts below, start playing word association with yourself until you’ve filled both columns.






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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Transformation

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt is about transformation.

Write a story in which something transforms into something else. What happens once this transformation occurs? What is it that has transformed?

What are the consequences of this transformation and can things be changed back?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Animals

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164.pngFiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt is about animals.

Your characters all share a house. They don’t always get on but are forced to interact. Your characters are a cat, a dog, a hamster and a snake. Your first line is ‘I can’t live with him anymore.’

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: The Round Table.

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164.pngFriday 18th March 2016: The Round Table. 

Today’s prompt, as you’ve probably guessed centres around a round table. Your character has been taken by a group of people and put into a white van.

The character, male or female are driven to an unknown destination and shown into a dark room.

There is a round table in the centre with six chairs. Your character is told to sit in one of the chairs. Five people occupy the other seats.

Who are they and why has your character been brought here?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Stranger Than Fiction

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Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Pick a book you’ve recently read. It doesn’t have to be one that you liked. The plot of this book has suddenly become your character’s reality. What is your character like, how do they react and what happens to them?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Genie in a Bottle

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Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Your character finds a genie in a bottle. He is granted the usual three wishes. He can only spend the wishes on himself and he must make them. He can’t just decide to change his mind and put the genie back in the bottle. However, there is also a further catch. For every piece of fortune your character bestows upon himself, it means misfortune for someone else.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Knowing Your Enemy

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 20th February 2016: Knowing Your Enemy.

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

For today’s prompt, write about when your character swaps places with an enemy and they have to work together to get swapped back.


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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Overhearing

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 20th February 2016: Overhearing

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt:

Your character suffers severely from OCD. After hitting his/her head, he/she discovers that they can hear other people’s thoughts and they accidentally hear plans for an upcoming alien invasion.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Fish Out Of Water

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 12th February 2016: Fish out of Water

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Your character is usually a confident person. However, they suddenly find themselves completely out of water and in a situation they don’t know how to deal with. Maybe they’ve realised that they can’t speak (the charm of their voice is usually what worked for them,) or they go from being rich to poor or lucky to unlucky. Anything goes.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Message in a Bottle

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x1641-300x164.pngFriday 8th January 2015: Message in a Bottle

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Your character is walking along the beach and cuts their foot on a piece of glass. On closer inspection, they realise that it is from a bottle that is laying nearby. There is a piece of paper with a message on it inside the bottle. Write about what happens next. What’s the message?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Another Unlucky Day

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164.pngFriday 13th November 2015: Another unlucky day

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: 

It is Friday 13th and for some, that is unlucky. How about if your character has to keep reliving it but for every mistake he sees coming, another one soon takes its place. Nothing is the same. Why does he keep repeating the day and what does he have to do to escape it?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: A Picture Paints…

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x1641-300x164.pngFriday 6th November 2015: A Picture Paints…. 

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt:

IMG_0933Use the picture for a story. What does the picture inspire? Maybe your character is meeting someone?

Maybe whenever they take a step forward, the horizon seems to stay at the same distance and everything depends on them getting to the other end?

Where is this? Has your character travelled far to be here?

Have they just appeared here out of nowhere and people surrounding them think they are magic or are they scared of them?

Has your character travelled back in time?

What you choose is up to you. Just have fun.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Favourite Fictional Character

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 23rd October 2015: Favourite Fictional Character

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt:

Pick your favourite fictional character. You have suddenly found yourself in their world, surrounded by the characters around them. What if you were transported to middle earth or you suddenly find that you are Harry Potter’s best friend? What if you suddenly found yourself in a post apocalyptic world and you had no choice but to have a baby for an infertile couple?

Whatever character you chose, how would you live their story?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Carrying on the Story

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 16th October: Carry on the Story….

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt:

Use the following first line as a starting point and then try to carry the story on as long as you can.

‘Congratulations, you’ve won.’

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Historical Figures

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 2nd October: Historical Figures

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Pick four historical figures (all from different time periods) and place them at a round table. What would they talk about? Write this mostly in dialogue.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Time Travelling

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 25th September 2015: Time Travelling.

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Write a story that involves time travel in which you change a significant historical event.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Once Upon A Dream

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 18th September 2015: Once upon a Dream… 

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt:

Using a dream you’ve recently had as inspiration, begin a story with the following line “the door to the vault was heavy.” You could always mix up a couple of dreams if you can remember more than one.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Investigations Writing Prompt

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164.pngFriday 11th September 2015: Investigations

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Your character is a private eye and does not look like someone who would be one. They have got themselves into an unforeseen situation. Start with the line, ‘You will never get away with it.’

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Enemy Swap

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164.pngFriday 4th September 2015: Enemy Swap.

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Enemy Swap. How about a different beginning of a day for your character. They end up swapping places with their arch-enemy and they need to work together to figure out how to swap back. Can they work together?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Mirrors

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x16411-300x164.pngFriday 21st August 2015: Mirrors

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Your character is cleaning a room. The relationship they have to that room is up to you whether it’s their room or a relative or friend or enemy. When cleaning the mirror, you find something hidden behind it. Begin with the sentence, ‘it fell to the floor.’ Carry on the story.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: CSI Writing Prompt

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x1641.pngFriday 7th August 2015: CSI

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Your character, male or female is a crime scene investigator and they have just got to a botched crime scene. What happens next?

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Childhood Occupation

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x164.pngFriday 31st July 2015.

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Think of the occupation you wanted to do when you were a child. Now give your character that occupation. What if your character woke up one morning and found out he could talk to animals or was due to go up into space or was a fireman? Have fun.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Write it in a Letter

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x1641-300x164.pngFriday 24th July 2015.

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Tell a love story in a letter. It could be a current love, a long lost love or a relationship between elderly relatives or friends. It could be a series of letters. It’s up to you.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Solving Problems

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 17th July 2015.

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Whilst on a second honeymoon, a devoted family man solves a ten year cold case.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Four People

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x1641-300x164.pngFriday 26th June 2015.

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s Prompt: Pick four people (it could be anyone.) Your character is having them around for dinner. What would the conversation be about? Do they all get on? Write this entirely in dialogue.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Clown in Training

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164-300x164.pngFriday 19th June 2015.

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: After loosing a bet, a clown in training robs a series of banks. All goes to plan until the third bank. Continue the story.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Randomness

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111-300x164.pngFriday 29th May 2015:

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Randomness. Place all of these random things into a story where your main character is a man named Mike. The items you need to put into your story are: A set of scales, eyes, a magnet, a house, a tent, insects, a compass, a magic wand and happiness (or lack off.)

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Short Story

rp_friday-300x16411111111111111.pngFriday 1st May 2015: Short Story

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Write a story based around the following prompt: ‘Able to hear others’ thoughts, a TV presenter goes on a blind date.’ What happens? Try to aim for at least five hundred words.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Myths

rp_friday-300x1641111111111111.pngFriday 24th April 2015: Myths

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: Write a story that has elements of mythology in it. From what time period is up to you.

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Writing Room: Varying View Points

Writing RoomWriting Room is our online writing group.

We post an exercise. Once you’ve written your piece, post it in the comments box below for discussion. Anyone is welcome to take part and it’s an opportunity to post work plus give and gain feedback.

Today’s exercise: Varying View Points. 

Today, it is a short story (minimum of 600 words.) The scene is a doctor’s surgery. It is 10 o clock in the morning. The decor of the room is cream and there are leaflets and posters up on the wall.

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Novel Kicks Fiction Friday: Reversing

rp_friday-300x164111111111111.pngFriday 27th March 2015: Reversing

Fiction Friday is our weekly writing prompt. The aim is to write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.

Today’s prompt: What would happen if you woke up one day to find that you were ageing in reverse? You weren’t getting older, you were getting younger. What would you do first? What would happen? How would it end? Can you stop it and would you want to?

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