NK Fiction Friday

If You Go Down To The Woods Today…

Fiction Friday Prompt: 7th February 2014.

Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday


Today’s prompt: If you go down to the woods today…

What does the picture below inspire? Does it conjure up wonder? Fear? Curiosity? Write down everything that comes into your head when you look at it and then try to craft it into a story. Write for five minutes minimum and then keep going as long as you can.

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Who’s Coming To Dinner?

Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday – 31st January 2014. 

Today’s prompt: Pick three to five guests that you’d like to invite over to dinner. It could be anyone you like; friends, celebrities, people you admire. Write about the evening starting from the moment your first guest arrives. 

Write for five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. When you’re done, post in the comments below. 

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Interviewing Your Character.

Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday

Friday 24th January 2014: Asking your character questions. 

The Fiction Friday prompt this week is about getting to know your character. Do you have a piece of fiction you are currently working on? If so, ask these questions about your main character. If you don’t, pick a random name out from a newspaper or a book you’re currently reading. 

Ask these five questions: 

1. Who is your hero and why? 

2. What is your earliest childhood memory? 

3. Does your character have a secret?  Continue reading

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Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday  – 17th January 2014. 

It’s amazing what lines of dialogue or ideas for books we can get from accidentally overhearing other people’s conversation. 

For today’s prompt, try to catch little pieces of information from conversations going on around you. Anything you find interesting, write down. Once you’ve got between five and ten lines, put them into a paragraph of dialogue. Once you’re done, post. 

Write for a minimum of five minutes, then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’re done, then post in the comments below. 

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The Conversation

Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday: 10th January 2014.

The aim of Fiction Friday is to take the prompt below and write for a minimum of five minutes, then keep going for as long as you can. Don’t edit, just post your attempt in the comments below.

Today’s prompt: Keep this conversation going:

‘Don’t  I know you?’

‘No, I don’t think so?’

‘No, I do. Weren’t you the woman who, you know, got involved with all that business a while back?’

What comes next?

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Fiction Friday: Strange Happenings.

Fiction Friday LogoFiction Friday: 3rd January 2014. 

You wake up to find that a household product is having a strange effect on your pets and children and they start to act strange. What happens next? 

Write for five minutes minimum and then keep going. When you’re done, post in the comments box below. 

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Fiction Friday: Dinner Party

fiction friday logoFriday 29th November 2013: Dinner Party.

You are invited to a dinner party by a stranger. When you get there, you find that you’ve been joined by friends and enemies. What happens? Why have you all been brought there? 

Write for five minutes and then, keep going if you can. Don’t edit, just post. 

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Fiction Friday: Sensitive Information

fiction friday logoFiction Friday: 22nd November 2013.

Today’s prompt:

You are at work and you hit print on a private or sensitive document. However, you send it to the wrong printer and now you don’t know where it’s gone…. 

Keep writing.

Remember, don’t edit, just post. 

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Fiction Friday: Family Celebrations

fiction friday logoFiction Friday: Friday 15th November 2013.

It’s Friday. Every week, we have a fiction prompt and the aim is just to write, not edit.

Today, it’s all about family celebrations. Your character’s name is Mark and he is going back to his family home for a get together for the first time in five years. Who is there? Why has he not been back for so long and what happens once he gets there? Does he bring anyone with him and how are they received?

Write for five minutes and then keep going for as long as you can. Once you’ve finished, post on here. Don’t edit.

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Ghostly Happenings

fiction friday logoFriday 25th October 2013:

As Halloween is nearly upon us, today’s prompt has a ghostly theme. Write a ghost story. For example, a relative who has recently passed on is now sitting on your sofa, talking to you.

Write for five minutes then keep going. Don’t edit, just post.

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Close Your Eyes

fiction friday logoFiction Friday: Friday 18th October 2013. 

This week, close your eyes. Write about the first thing you see or think about. Add a what if to the mix. 

Write for five minutes and then keep going. Don’t edit. Just post. 

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Hide Out

fiction friday logoFriday 11th October 2013: 

Using mostly dialogue, write about someone who finds a person hiding out in their garage or attic. Has your character met this person before? 

Write for five minutes and then keep going. Don’t edit, just post. 

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Alternative Fairy Stories

fridayFiction Friday: 4th October 2013

We all know many fairy stories. For this week’s fiction friday, how about you rewrite one. What if it were the princesses who went off to slay the dragon? What if Cinderella was horrible to the ugly sisters? You can pick any fairy story and rewrite it. 

Write for five minutes and then keep going. Don’t edit, just post. 

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A Curious Letter

fridayFiction Friday – 27th September 2013.


A hand delivered letter gets put through your letter box. It’s addressed to your spouse/partner or ex. Do you open it? If you don’t, do you fight not to open it? If you do open it, are you happy with what you find inside?

Write for five minutes and then keep going. When you are done, don’t edit, just post. 

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Speed Dating

fridayFiction Friday: 20th September 2013. 

Today’s prompt: After getting out of a serious relationship, you get talked into going speed dating. What happens? Maybe your ex is there? Write in the first person. Write for five minutes and then keep going. Once you’ve finished, don’t edit, just post.

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Fact with Fiction

fridayFiction Friday: Friday 13th September 2013. 

Pick your favourite or least favourite historical character and then create a fictional piece around them. For example, what if Elizabeth I did get married? Write for five minutes and then keep going. Don’t edit, just post. 

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Empty Room

fridayFiction Friday: 6th September 2013.

You find yourself sitting in a chair in an empty room and you have no idea how you got there. 

Write for five minutes and then keep going. Once you’re finished, post on here. 


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Time Travel

fridayFiction Friday – 30th August 2013. 

You stumble across an unusual object that then transports you back into the past. What happens next? 

Write for five minutes then keep going. Don’t edit, just post. 

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Printer Error…

fridayFiction Friday prompt for 23rd August 2013. 

You’ve printed off some sensitive material. Maybe its confidential company information? A private letter? However, you realise too late that it’s been sent to the wrong printer and you don’t know it’s location. Keep writing…. 

Write in the first person. 

Remember, write for five minutes then keep going. 

Don’t edit, just post. 

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Fiction Friday: Dialogue

dialogueFriday 16th August:

This week, write something that’s almost completely dialogue. You can pick the theme, subject, characters etc.

(Write for five minutes and then keep going. Don’t edit, just post in the comments box below.)

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Week Nine: Your List.

bucketlistFor this week’s Fiction Friday, choose something you’ve always wanted to do (something on your bucket list,) and then write a story where your character experiences it. 

The rules: 

Write for the minimum of five minutes and then keep going. 

Don’t edit, just post. 

(Fiction Friday, 2nd August 2013.) 

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Week 8: Music


For week 8, it’s all about music. 

Pick one of your favourite songs and use it as your inspiration. Your main character’s names are Katy and Ryan. 

Write for 5 minutes minimum and then keep going. Don’t edit and post in the comments box below. 

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# Week Seven – Nursery Rhymes.

starNovel Kicks Fiction Friday: Week Seven. 

This week, write a piece using your favourite nursery rhyme as inspiration. Write in a third person point of view. 

(Rules: Write for a minimum of five minutes and then keep going. Don’t edit and when you’re done, post below in the comments.) 

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# Week 5: Predicting the Future.


Week 5:

Write in the first person about suddenly having the ability to see into the future.

(Don’t edit, just post in the comment box below.)

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#4: Online Dating.

fridayWeek 4. 

Your character has just come out of a relationship and is talked into joining an online dating site. 

(As usual, write for 5-15 minutes and remember, don’t edit. Just write and post.) 

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#3: Losing something important.


 Week 3: 

Write a story where something important is lost. 

As usual, write for 5-10 minutes without stopping and don’t edit – just post in the comments below. 

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#2: Lost Love Letters.

fridayWeek 2:

Write a letter to your lost love. What would you want to say?

(Write for 5-10 minutes and then post your writing in the comments section. Remember, no editing.)

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NK Fiction Friday #1: Introductions.


NK Fiction Friday. 

Every Friday, we’ll post a prompt. The idea of this is that you then write for 5 -10 minutes and then post the result in the comments section. There is only one rule. NO EDITING. It’s all about getting the words down on paper. 

Week One: 

Introductions. You meet a stranger in a lift that then gets stuck. Try to get all the essential information out in dialogue. 

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