
Competitions: August -Which Book is This Anyway?

rp_Mystery-Competition-300x1931-300x193-300x1931-300x1931-300x193-300x1931.jpgFancy a book surprise through your letterbox? Welcome to August’s Which Book is This Anyway?

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

The prize for this competition is a book but the identity of that book will not be revealed until the lucky winner receives it. It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We may reveal the genre but the book title is a surprise. If you feel like having a guess in the meantime though, that’s OK, just comment below (you don’t need to guess to enter. You just need to leave your name. The guessing is just for fun.)

All we will reveal about August’s choice is this book is contemporary fiction. It’s a whimsical tale of romance, good friends, Mr Right and dreams. I loved this book when I read it. Plus it has a BEAUTIFUL cover.

How to enter:

Comment on this post before the closing date which is Sunday 30th August 2015 at 23.59. One winner will then be chosen at random from the entrants and announced on the Novel Kicks blog on Monday 31st August 2015. If you fancy having a go at guessing what book it could be, that’s OK too although it’s not compulsory.

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Competitions: Winner of July’s Which Book is This Anyway?

rp_Mystery-Competition-300x1931-300x193-300x1931-300x1931-300x193-300x193.jpgIt is time to announce the winner of July’s Which Book is This Anyway? Did you guess which book it was? June’s book was The Honey Queen by Cathy Kelly but what book was it this month?

All we said about it was that ‘this book has been described by one reviewer as the perfect book. It’s about rediscovery, a trip of a lifetime, determination, falling in love and everything going wrong.

Well done to Emma Miller from the West Midlands  who is our winner this month. The competition for August will be open soon.

About ‘Which Book is This Anyway?’

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

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Competitions: Red Queen Winners

Victoria-Aveyard_author-photo-copy-5 Red QueenAs part of the blog tour for Red Queen and to celebrate the books release, Orion and Victoria gave us THREE copies of Red Queen to give away. To read our review and an interview with Victoria, click here.

Well done to Debbie Patrick, Susan Carruthers and Karis who have all won a copy of Red Queen.

About the book: 

This is a world divided by blood – red or silver.

The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change.

That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.

Fearful of Mare’s potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime.

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Competitions: Win a Copy of Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

Victoria-Aveyard_author-photo-copy-5 Red QueenAs part of the blog tour for Red Queen and to celebrate the books release, Orion and Victoria have given us THREE copies of Red Queen to give away. To read our review and an interview with Victoria, click here.

This is a world divided by blood – red or silver.

The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change.

That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.

Fearful of Mare’s potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime.

But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance – Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart . . .


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Competitions: July’s Which Book is This Anyway?

rp_Mystery-Competition-300x1931-300x193-300x1931-300x1931-300x193.jpgFancy a book surprise through your letterbox? It’s July. Summer is officially here and it’s time for this month’s Which Book is This Anyway?

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

The prize for this competition is a book but the identity of that book will not be revealed until the lucky winner receives it. It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We won’t even reveal the genre. It’s a surprise. If you feel like having a guess in the meantime though, that’s OK, just comment below (you don’t need to guess to enter. You just need to leave your name. The guessing is just for fun.)

All we will reveal about July’s choice is ‘this book has been described by one reviewer as the perfect book. It’s about rediscovery, a trip of a lifetime, determination, falling in love and everything going wrong.’ 

How to enter:

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Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook 2016: Winner

rp_Writers-and-Artists-211x300.jpgThanks to Bloomsbury, we had one copy of the 2016 edition to give away.

Well done to Clair Bendle who has won herself a copy.

With 80+ articles, the Yearbook is now in it’s 109th printing.

The new edition is to be published by Bloomsbury on 2nd July 2015.

The yearbook is acknowledged as the indispensable companion to navigating the world of publishing. This book provides guidance on writing for newspapers, magazines, scripts for film, radio and TV; advice on writing and submitting plays, poetry, non-fiction and fiction of all genres and how to contact publishers and agents; managing finances as a writer; negotiating legal issues, such as copyright; understanding the editing process; self-publishing and conventional routes; digital and print.

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June’s Which Book is This Anyway: Winner

rp_Mystery-Competition-300x1931-300x193-300x1931-300x1931-300x193.jpgIt is time to announce the winner of June’s Which Book is This Anyway? Did you guess which book it was? (May’s book was Daughter by Jane Shemilt.’)

All we said about it was that ‘this is a book from a popular Irish author which focuses on large changes in the lives of the characters, their relationships and the importance of friendship.’

Well done to Caron Edwards who is our winner this month. The competition for July will be open soon.

About ‘Which Book is This Anyway?’

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

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Competitions: Win a Copy of the Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook 2016

Writers and Artists

With 80+ articles, the Yearbook is now in it’s 109th printing.

The new edition is to be published by Bloomsbury on 2nd July and we have ONE copy to give away.

The yearbook is acknowledged as the indispensable companion to navigating the world of publishing. This book provides guidance on writing for newspapers, magazines, scripts for film, radio and TV; advice on writing and submitting plays, poetry, non-fiction and fiction of all genres and how to contact publishers and agents; managing finances as a writer; negotiating legal issues, such as copyright; understanding the editing process; self-publishing and conventional routes; digital and print.

This year’s edition includes articles from Alison Weir, Ben Schott, Susan Hill and Rose Prince.

The 2016 edition is available to pre-order in paperback and eBook (e-book will be published on 6th August 2015.)

Thanks to Bloomsbury, we have a paperback copy of the 2016 edition to give away.

How to enter:

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Competitions: June’s Which Book is This Anyway?

rp_Mystery-Competition-300x1931-300x193-300x1931-300x193.jpgIt’s June and a new month of Which Book is This Anyway?

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

The prize for this competition is a book but the identity of that book will not be revealed until the lucky winner receives it. It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We won’t even reveal the genre. It’s a surprise. If you feel like having a guess in the meantime though, that’s OK, just comment below.

All we will reveal about June’s choice is this: ‘a book from a popular Irish author which focuses on large changes in the lives of the characters, their relationships and the importance of friendship.’

How to enter:

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Winner of May’s Which Book is This Anyway?

rp_Mystery-Competition-300x1931-300x193-300x193.jpgIt’s time to announce the winner of May’s Which Book is This Anyway? Did you guess which book it was? (April’s book was The Rosie Project.’)

All we said about it was that ‘this book has been a part of Richard & Judy’s book club. A story that asks us how well do we know our children?’

Well done to Leila Benhamida,who is our winner this month. The competition for June will be open soon.

About ‘Which Book is This Anyway?’

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

The prize for this competition is a book but the identity of that book will not be revealed until the lucky winner receives it. It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We won’t even reveal the genre.

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Competitions: May’s Which Book is This Anyway?

rp_Mystery-Competition-300x1931-300x193.jpgIt’s May’s Which Book is This Anyway?

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

The prize for this competition is a book but the identity of that book will not be revealed until the lucky winner receives it. It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We won’t even reveal the genre. It’s a surprise. If you feel like having a guess in the meantime though, that’s OK, just comment below.

All we will reveal about May’s choice is this: ‘A book that’s been a part of Richard & Judy’s book club. A story that asks us how well do we know our children?’ 

How to enter:

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Competitions: April’s Winner – Which Book is This Anyway?

rp_Mystery-Competition-300x193.jpgA little late but it’s time to announce the winner of April’s Which Book is This Anyway? Did you guess which book it was?

All we said about it was that ‘this story includes a loveable, quirky character who likes order and making lists.’

Well done to Martin Turner who is our winner this month. The competition for May will be open soon.

About ‘Which Book is This Anyway?’

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

The prize for this competition is a book but the identity of that book will not be revealed until the lucky winner receives it. It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We won’t even reveal the genre.

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Competitions: April’s Which Book is This Anyway?

Mystery CompetitionIt’s April’s Which Book is This Anyway?

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

The prize for this competition is a book but the identity of that book will not be revealed until the lucky winner receives it. It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We won’t even reveal the genre. It’s a surprise. If you feel like having a guess in the meantime though, that’s OK, just comment below.

All we will reveal about April’s choice is this: ‘this story includes a loveable, quirky character who likes order and making lists.’

How to enter:

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Competitions: March’s Winner for Which Book is This Anyway?

IMG_5711March’s Which Book is This Anyway?

The prize is a book but we’ve not revealed the title and won’t until the winner receives it.

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We’ve not even revealed the genre. It’s a surprise.

All we did say about this book is that ‘A young girl’s tale about her strange family. This story has been described as clever, moving, fascinating and funny.’

Thank you to every one who entered and well done to Carol Peace who has been drawn out of the hat this month. Your book will be on its way to you soon.

Keep your eye out for April’s competition.

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Competitions: Have You Won a Copy of The Wronged?

kchambers the wrongedWe were delighted to welcome Kimberley Chambers to Novel Kicks last week. To celebrate the release of her latest novel, The Wronged, thanks to Kimberley and HarperCollins, we had a The Wronged goodie bag to give away which included a signed copy of the book, a T-shirt, shot glass, poster and branded mug.

Congratulations to Sandra Treppas whose name was picked randomly from the entrants. Well done.

About The Wronged:

When the going gets tough, the Butlers get even… ‘Murdered in 1980 she was, bless her. Now I’ll tell you the story of everything that’s happened since…’ No parent should ever have to bury their child, but God knows the Butlers have buried more than their fair share. Now, Vinny and Michael are planning the downfall of all who’ve wronged them. The Butlers don’t forgive or forget, and they take their secrets to the grave. As yet more tragic events rip the family apart, loyalties are on a knife-edge. Times are changing in the East End, and the brothers who have always stuck together are at each other’s throats. As the old saying goes – you keep your friends close, and your enemies closer…But you keep your family right where you can see them. Continue reading

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March: Which Book is This Anyway?

IMG_5711It’s the second month of our new competition, Which Book is This Anyway?

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our competition adds a little mystery.

The prize for this competition is a book but the identity of that book will not be revealed until the lucky winner receives it. It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We won’t even reveal the genre. It’s a surprise.

All we will reveal about March’s choice is this: ‘A young girl’s tale about her strange family. This story has been described as clever, moving, fascinating and funny.’

How to enter:

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Competitions: Which Book is This Anyway February Winner

IMG_5435This month, we launched our new competition, Which Book is This Anyway?

The prize is a book but we’ve not revealed the title and won’t until the winner receives it.

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our new competition adds a little mystery.

It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We’ve not even revealed the genre. It’s a surprise.

All we did say about this book is that ‘It is a highly emotive story which focuses on two people and the unusual friendship that develops between them.’

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Competitions: Which Book is This Anyway?

IMG_5435Today we are launching our new monthly book-themed competition ‘Which Book is This Anyway?’

Many of us judge books by their covers and make our choices based on that and the accompanying blurb. Our new competition will add a little mystery.

The prize for this competition is a book but the identity of that book will not be revealed until the lucky winner receives it. It could be a recent new release or a well-known classic. Who knows? We won’t even reveal the genre. It’s a surprise.

All we will reveal about this month’s choice is this: ‘It is a highly emotive story which focuses on two people and the unusual friendship that develops between them.’

How to enter:

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Competitions: Campari For Breakfast Winners

rp_campariforbreakfastsara_crowe-187x300.jpgCampari For Breakfast is the debut novel from author and actress, Sara Crowe.

Thanks to Sara and Transworld, we had two copies to give away.

Well done to Joanne Varney and Martin Turner who have both won a copy.

About Campari For Breakfast:

In 1987, Sue Bowl’s world changes for ever. Her mother dies, leaving her feeling like she’s lost a vital part of herself. And then her father shacks up with an awful man-eater called Ivana.

But Sue’s mother always told her to make the most of what she’s got – and what she’s got is a love of writing and some eccentric relatives. So Sue moves to her Aunt Coral’s crumbling ancestral home, where she fully intends to write a book and fall in love . . . and perhaps drink Campari for breakfast

(Released in paperback by Transworld on 29th January 2015.)

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Blog Tour: Win a copy of Campari for Breakfast by Sara Crowe

campariforbreakfastsara_croweWe’ve been so delighted to be part of the blog tour for Campari for Breakfast. To celebrate the paperback release of Sara Crowe’s debut novel, thanks to Sara and Transworld, we have two copies to give away.

How to enter:

Simply comment on this post by the closing date which is 23.59 on Tuesday 3rd February 2015. The two winners will then be chosen at random from the entrants and announced on the Novel Kicks blog on Wednesday 4th February 2015. UK only. Good Luck!

(The winner will also be notified via e-mail. We will use the address you provide when you enter the draw. Don’t worry, it’s safe with us. Also don’t forget to check your junk folder. I try to get the prizes to you as quickly as I can. In this instance, the prize is coming directly from Sara’s publisher so please allow up to 28 days for delivery. If you’ve not received your prize after this time, please contact us via the blog and not social media as there is a danger with social media that we may miss your message.)

About Campari For Breakfast:

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Competitions: Christmas with Billy & Me Winner


Penguin, November 2014

We had one copy of Christmas with Billy & Me by Giovanna Fletcher.

Well done to Lynne Cox who has won a copy of this lovely Christmas novella.

About Christmas with Billy & Me: 

Christmas has come to Rosefont Hill and it’s destined to be a particularly special festive season for Sophie May.

When a smitten stranger emails Sophie to ask her if he can propose to the woman he loves in her little teashop, the romantic in her finds it impossible to refuse. Even though Christmas is her busiest time of year she has her own sweetheart, Hollywood actor Billy Buskin, to lend a helping hand. How could she say no to making someone’s dream come true?

As Sophie and Billy work together to plan the perfect fairy-tale proposal for this couple, excitement in Rosefont Hill is mounting. Who is this mysterious man? And who is the lucky lady he’s about to get down on one knee for?

To view the e-book edition on Amazon:

To view the e-book edition in the ibooks store:

To view the paperback edition exclusive to Waterstones:

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Competitions: Win a copy of Christmas with Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher

Penguin, November 2014

Penguin, November 2014

We’re giving you the chance to win a copy of Christmas with Billy & Me by Giovanna Fletcher.

We have one copy to give away. It’s a great book to curl up with through Christmas. Scroll down for details on how to enter.

About the book: 

Christmas has come to Rosefont Hill and it’s destined to be a particularly special festive season for Sophie May.

When a smitten stranger emails Sophie to ask her if he can propose to the woman he loves in her little teashop, the romantic in her finds it impossible to refuse. Even though Christmas is her busiest time of year she has her own sweetheart, Hollywood actor Billy Buskin, to lend a helping hand. How could she say no to making someone’s dream come true?

As Sophie and Billy work together to plan the perfect fairy-tale proposal for this couple, excitement in Rosefont Hill is mounting. Who is this mysterious man? And who is the lucky lady he’s about to get down on one knee for?

How to enter:

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Competitions: Writing Maps Gift Pack Winner

rp_maps-300x225.jpgWriting Maps think that good writing should be encouraged, shared and published.

Devised by writer and creative writing tutor, Shaun Levin alongside a wide range of designers and illustrators, Writing Maps are full of inspiration for writers. Each map contains at least 12 writing prompts and each map is beautifully illustrated. Maps available include; The Character Map, Writing People (for crowded places,) and My Writing Life.

Well done to Julie Mcfarland who has won herself the lovely Writing Maps gift pack. Check your e-mail (including junk and spam folders,) as an e-mail is on its way to you, Julie.

Writing Maps are a great gift idea for Christmas for either the creative person in your family or a gift to yourself. If you would like to find out more about Writing Maps, visit their website at

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Competition: Win a Writing Maps Gift Pack

mapsWriting Maps think that good writing should be encouraged, shared and published.

Devised by writer and creative writing tutor, Shaun Levin alongside a wide range of designers and illustrators, Writing Maps are full of inspiration for writers. Each map contains at least 12 writing prompts and each map is beautifully illustrated. Maps available include; The Character Map, Writing People (for crowded places,) and My Writing Life.

Thanks to Shaun, we have a wonderful chance for someone to win this lovely little gift pack. It contains the City of Inspiration Writing Map (I have it and it’s fantastic and so helpful,) a notebook, a pen and a postcard with an additional prompt. It’s perfect for any writer or will be great as a Christmas present for any writer. They really are useful in helping the creative process.

How to enter:

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Blog Tour: It Started With Paris Competition Winners

rp_It-started-with-paris-198x300.jpgThanks to Cathy and the lovely people at Orion, we had THREE copies of It Started With Paris to give away.

Well done to: Tracy Shephard, Aisling Quinn and Leila Benhamida. You’ve all won a copy of the book.


About It Started With Paris.

It all started with Paris. At the top of the Eiffel Tower, a young man proposes to his girlfriend, cheered on by delighted tourists. In that second, everything changes, not just for the happy couple, but for the family and friends awaiting their return in Bridgeport, Ireland…

Leila’s been nursing a badly broken heart since her love-rat husband just upped and left her one morning, but she’s determined to put on a brave face for the bride.

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Blog Tour: Win a Copy of It Started With Paris by Cathy Kelly

It started with parisThanks to Cathy and those lovely people at Orion, we have THREE copies of It Started With Paris to give away.

About the book:

It all started with Paris. At the top of the Eiffel Tower, a young man proposes to his girlfriend, cheered on by delighted tourists. In that second, everything changes, not just for the happy couple, but for the family and friends awaiting their return in Bridgeport, Ireland…

Leila’s been nursing a badly broken heart since her love-rat husband just upped and left her one morning, but she’s determined to put on a brave face for the bride.

Vonnie, a widow and exceptional cake-maker, is just daring to let love back into her life, although someone seems determined to stop it.

And Grace, a divorced head teacher, finds the impending wedding of her son means that she’s spending more time with her ex-husband. After all those years apart, is it possible she’s made a mistake?



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Blog Tour: The Rosie Effect Winner…

rp_The-Rosie-Effect-jpeg-185x3001.jpgThanks to Graeme, Penguin and FMcM Associates, we had ONE copy of The Rosie Effect to give away.

Well done to Derek Norton from Co Durham who has won a copy of the book.

About the book:

With the Wife Project complete, Don settles into a new job and married life in New York. But it’s not long before certain events are taken out of his control and it’s time to embark on a new project . . .

As Don tries to get to grips with the requirements of starting a family, his unusual research style gets him into trouble.

To make matters worse, Don has invited his closest friend to stay with them, but Gene is not exactly the best model for martial happiness. As Don’s life with Rosie continues to be unpredictable, he needs to remember that emotional support is just as important as practical expertise.

Join Don and Rosie in the next chapter of their weird and wonderful journey.


The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion is published by Michael Joseph on 25th September, £14.99 hardback

Follow Graeme on Twitter: @GraemeSimsion

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Birthday Kindle Competition: Winner Announced

KindleWe turned five last week and to celebrate, we were giving you the chance to win a Kindle plus a £10 Amazon voucher. 

Thank you to all who entered our draw. We had a staggering amount of entries. 

Well done to Stu H from Hampshire. You were the lucky winner of our draw. We will be e-mailing shortly. 

Thank you to everyone for your support over the last five years. 

To find out more about the Kindle, head to 

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Competitions – Where Love Lies Winners.

WLLThanks to Julie and the lovely people at Bantam Press we had THREE copies of Where Love Lies to give away.

Well done to Elaine from Lancashire, Rich from Surrey and Annette from Staffordshire who have all won a copy of Where Love Lies. 

Here is a little about the novel:

Lately, Felicity just can’t shake a shadow of uncertainty. Her husband Quinn is the kindest person she knows and loves her peculiarities more than Felicity feels she deserves. But suddenly it’s as if she doesn’t quite belong.

Then Felicity experiences something extraordinary: a scent of perfume in the air which evokes memories that have been settled within her for a long time, untouched and undisturbed. As it happens again and again, the memories of a man Felicity hasn’t seen for ten years also flutter to the surface. And so do the feelings of being deeply, exquisitely in love . . .

Overwhelmed and bewildered by her emotions, Felicity tries to resist sinking blissfully into the past. But what if something truly isn’t as it should be? What if her mind has been playing tricks on her heart?

Which would you trust?

Where Loves Lies is available to buy via Amazon and other leading bookstores. 


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Competitions: Win a Kindle.


Novel Kicks is five and to celebrate, we are giving you the chance to win an Amazon Kindle.

We love books and reading. This Kindle fits in your pocket (it is incredibly light,) has Wi-Fi so you can easily download over 650,000 titles and will hold up to 1,400 books (that will get you through a holiday.) It can also be seen clearly in sunlight which will be perfect for the summer.

Not only are we giving you the chance to win a Kindle, we are also giving the lucky winner a £10 Amazon voucher to go with your new Kindle so you can immediately treat yourselves to some books.


To be entered into the draw to win a Kindle and the £10 voucher, comment on this post with your name and county by the closing date which is Monday 11th August 2014 at 23.59. The winner will then be picked at random from the entrants and announced on the Novel Kicks blog on Tuesday 12th August 2014. The winner will also be contacted via the e-mail address they provided when they entered the competition (we will never pass it on to someone else.)

UK and Ireland only.

As a side note, Amazon will require you to have an amazon account in order to register the Kindle upon receipt. To find out more about the Kindle, visit

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Blog Tour: Win a copy of Where Love Lies by Julie Cohen



Julie Cohen kicks off her blog tour with us today for her new novel, Where Love Lies which was released by Bantam Press on 31st July (we will shortly be chatting to her about her new book.)

Thanks to Julie and the lovely people at Bantam Press we have THREE copies of Where Love Lies to give away.

Here is a little about the novel:

Lately, Felicity just can’t shake a shadow of uncertainty. Her husband Quinn is the kindest person she knows and loves her peculiarities more than Felicity feels she deserves. But suddenly it’s as if she doesn’t quite belong.

Then Felicity experiences something extraordinary: a scent of perfume in the air which evokes memories that have been settled within her for a long time, untouched and undisturbed. As it happens again and again, the memories of a man Felicity hasn’t seen for ten years also flutter to the surface. And so do the feelings of being deeply, exquisitely in love . . .

Overwhelmed and bewildered by her emotions, Felicity tries to resist sinking blissfully into the past. But what if something truly isn’t as it should be? What if her mind has been playing tricks on her heart?

Which would you trust?


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Competitions – Writers’ & Artists Yearbook Winner

writersThe Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook is acknowledged as the indispensable companion to navigating the world of publishing. This book provides guidance on writing for newspapers, magazines, scripts for film, radio and TV; advice on writing and submitting plays, poetry, non-fiction and fiction of all genres and how to contact publishers and agents; managing finances as a writer; negotiating legal issues, such as copyright; understanding the editing process; self-publishing and conventional routes; digital and print.

Thanks to Bloomsbury, we had one copy of the new edition to give away.

Well done to Chris Roche from Sussex who has won a copy of the 2015 edition.

The new edition was released by Bloomsbury Publishing on 31st July and is available in paperback and eBook.

Visit the Writers’ and Artists’ website at

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Competitions – Win a Copy of The Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook 2015.

writersThe Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook is acknowledged as the indispensable companion to navigating the world of publishing. This book provides guidance on writing for newspapers, magazines, scripts for film, radio and TV; advice on writing and submitting plays, poetry, non-fiction and fiction of all genres and how to contact publishers and agents; managing finances as a writer; negotiating legal issues, such as copyright; understanding the editing process; self-publishing and conventional routes; digital and print.

The new edition is due to be released by Bloomsbury Publishing on 31st July and is available to pre-order in paperback and eBook.

Thanks to Bloomsbury, we have a copy of the 2015 edition to give away.

How to enter:

Comment on this post with your name and county by the closing date which will be Thursday 31st July 2014 at 23.59. The winner will then be chosen at random from the entrants and announced on the Novel Kicks blog on Friday 1st August 2014. The winner will also be contacted by e-mail (we will use the e-mail provided when you enter.) UK and Ireland only.

Good Luck.

Visit the Writers’ and Artists’ website at


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Competition Winners – Liberty Silk by Kate Beaufoy

newcover_small1Thanks to Kate and Transworld, we had three copies of Liberty Silk to give away to celebrate it’s release in the UK.

Well done to Rebecca Carden from Cambridgeshire, Charlotte Ingham from the UK and Tammy Tudor from Greater Manchester. You’ve all won a copy of the book. 

About Liberty Silk: 

One beautiful dress is the key to three brave women’s destinies.

France 1919: Jessie is celebrating the last heady days of her honeymoon. But when her husband suddenly disappears she finds herself bereft. Until a chance encounter thrusts her into the centre of the intoxicating world of Parisian high life.

Hollywood 1945: Lisa has come a long way from her quiet, unassuming life in London and is taking Hollywood by storm. But all that glitters is not gold, and as the smoke and mirrors of the lifestyle she so longed for shatter around her there are some secrets she can never escape.

Continue reading

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Competitions: Win a copy of Liberty Silk by Kate Beaufoy.

newcover_small1Thanks to Kate and Transworld, we have three copies of Liberty Silk to give away. 

To enter, comment on this post with your name and county by the closing date which is Thursday 17th July 2014 by 23.59. Three winners will then be chosen at random from the entries and announced on the Novel Kicks blog on Friday 18th July 2014. UK and Ireland only. 
(Winners will also be emailed via the email they provide when entering the competition.) 

Good luck. 


About Liberty Silk:

One beautiful dress is the key to three brave women’s destinies.

France 1919: Jessie is celebrating the last heady days of her honeymoon. But when her husband suddenly disappears she finds herself bereft. Until a chance encounter thrusts her into the centre of the intoxicating world of Parisian high life.

Hollywood 1945: Lisa has come a long way from her quiet, unassuming life in London and is taking Hollywood by storm. But all that glitters is not gold, and as the smoke and mirrors of the lifestyle she so longed for shatter around her there are some secrets she can never escape.

London 1965: Cat, headstrong and independent, drawn to danger and passionately opposed to injustice, has no idea of the legacy that precedes her. Once past secrets are unveiled, she has the chance to find out what liberty really means…

An evocative story of survival, betrayal and the invincibility of love.

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No Mercy by John Burley – Competition Winners.

rp_No-mercy-195x300.jpgAs part of of the Blog Tour for No Mercy, we had two copies of the book to give away thanks to John and Avon. 

Well done to Carol Peace and Tracey Walsh who have both won a copy. 

About the book: 

The peaceful town of Wintersville is a place safe from the crime and congestion of city life, where neighbours feel like family. It’s the perfect place to live.

But when a teenager is discovered brutally murdered in the woods, it becomes clear that a psychopath is roaming the streets. Dr Ben Stevenson, the town’s medical examiner, and father of two young boys, becomes entangled in the hunt for the murderer, determined to keep his family safe.

But as Ben uncovers the dark secrets of his seemingly quiet community, he confronts a truth that will haunt him forever and puts those he loves in serious danger.

(No Mercy was released by Avon on 3rd July 2014 and is availalbe in paperback and e-book.)

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Competitions – The Separation Winner


Penguin, May 2014.

The Separation by Dinah Jefferies. 

Thanks to the lovely people at Penguin, we had a copy of The Separation by Dinah Jefferies to give away. 

Well done to Linda Russam. A copy of the book will be on its way to you soon. 


About the book: 

What happens when a mother and her daughters are separated; who do they become when they believe it might be forever?

1953, the eve of the Cartwright’s departure from Malaya. Eleven-year-old Emma can’t understand why they’re leaving without their mother; why her taciturn father is refusing to answer questions.
Lydia arrives home to an empty house – there’s no sign of her husband Alec or her daughters. Panic stricken, she embarks on a dangerous journey to find them through the hot and civil-war-torn Malayan jungle – one that only the power of a mother’s love can help her to survive.

Read our review here.


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Competitions – Going Back Winners

going-backWe had three copies of Going Back by Rachael English to give away. 

Well done to Janet from Bath, Lynne from Hertfordshire and Jackie from Wiltshire who have all won a copy. 


About the book:

How do you know where you belong?

In June 1988, Elizabeth Kelly’s parents think she belongs at home in Ireland. Her boyfriend is certain of it. Unwilling to settle down just yet, she decides to spend the summer in Boston with her college friends. But the next four months change all of them, especially Elizabeth. Quiet and dutiful at home, she surprises herself and everyone else by falling for Danny Esposito, a restless charmer with a troublesome family.

More than 20 years later with opportunities in Ireland scarce once again, a new generation looks to America, awakening memories of a golden summer for their parents. When a crisis occurs, Elizabeth returns to Boston where she is drawn back into the life she once lived. But will she be able to reconcile the dreams of her 20-year-old self with the woman she has become?

(Going Back – published by Orion, May 2014. Available in paperback and e-book.)

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The Separation Blog Tour – Win A Copy

The Separation Cover Final - Front - Medium

Penguin, 22nd May 2014

The Separation is the debut novel from author, Dinah Jefferies. 

Thanks to Dinah and the lovely people at Penguin, we have a copy of The Separation to give away. 

To enter: 

Comment on this post with your name and county (UK and Ireland only.) Comment before the closing date of Sunday 1st June 2014 at 23.59. The winner will then be picked at random from the entrants and announced on the Novel Kicks blog on Monday 2nd June 2014. The winner will also be contacted via e-mail within 24 hours. Good Luck. 

About the book: 

What happens when a mother and her daughters are separated; who do they become when they believe it might be forever?
1953, the eve of the Cartwright’s departure from Malaya. Eleven-year-old Emma can’t understand why they’re leaving without their mother; why her taciturn father is refusing to answer questions.
Lydia arrives home to an empty house – there’s no sign of her husband Alec or her daughters. Panic stricken, she embarks on a dangerous journey to find them through the hot and civil-war-torn Malayan jungle – one that only the power of a mother’s love can help her to survive.

Read our review here. 


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Competitions – Trisha Ashley Competition Winners

rp_trisha-194x300.jpgEvery Woman For Herself by Trisha Ashley. 

Thank you to all who entered our competition to win a copy of the new novel, Every Woman For Herself. 

Well done to Annegret and Carol who have both won a copy of the book. 

Every Woman For Herself is published by Avon and is available in e-book and paperback. 

About the book: 

First comes marriage. Then comes divorce. Then it’s every woman for herself …

When Charlie’s husband Matt tells her that he wants a divorce she has to start from scratch. Suddenly single, broke and approaching 40 she is forced to return to her childhood home in the Yorkshire moors.

Living with her father and eccentric siblings could be considered a challenge but soon Charlie finds her new life somewhat refreshing. Now that she’s single she’s got no need to dye her roots nor to be the perfect wife and she can return to her first love- painting.

But just as she begins to feel settled, handsome, bad-tempered actor Mace North moves in down the road and starts mixing things up for Charlie in more ways than one.

Published by Avon, May 2014. Available in paperwork and e-book. 

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Going Back Blog Tour – Win A Copy Of The Book.

going-backWin a copy of Going Back by Rachael English.

To celebrate the release and blog tour of Going Back, we have three copies of the book to give away, thanks to Rachael and Orion.

How to enter:

Comment on this post with your name and county. UK and Ireland only. The closing date will be Wednesday 28th May 2014 at 23.59. The three winners will then be chosen at random from the entrants and announced on the Novel Kicks blog on Thursday 29th May 2014. Winners will also be notified by e-mail.

About the book:

How do you know where you belong?

In June 1988, Elizabeth Kelly’s parents think she belongs at home in Ireland. Her boyfriend is certain of it. Unwilling to settle down just yet, she decides to spend the summer in Boston with her college friends. But the next four months change all of them, especially Elizabeth. Quiet and dutiful at home, she surprises herself and everyone else by falling for Danny Esposito, a restless charmer with a troublesome family. Continue reading

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Competitions – Trisha Ashley

Every woman for herselfWin a copy of Trisha Ashley’s latest novel.

Trisha’s latest novel, Every Woman For Herself, was released by Avon on 8th May. Thanks to Trisha and Avon, we have two copies to give away.

To enter:

Comment on this post with your name and county. The closing date for entries is Monday 26th May at 23.59. Winners will then be announced on Tuesday 27th May 2014 on the Novel Kicks blog. They will be picked at random from the entrants. Winners will also be notified by e-mail within 24 hours of the winners being announced.

Good Luck.

About the book:

First comes marriage. Then comes divorce. Then it’s every woman for herself … Continue reading

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Of Love and Other Wars Competition Winners


Thank you to all who entered our two competitions to win a copy of Of Love and Other Wars by Sophie Hardach. 

Well done to Victoria, Katherine, Aly, Carol, Janet, Maggie, MCM, Tamalyn, Phamie and Doug. You’ve all won a copy of the book and a poster of the book cover. You will all be contacted via e-mail in the next 24 hours. 

About the book:

At a rally in the Royal Albert Hall, two Quaker brothers, Paul and Charlie Lamb, sign a pledge of peace that only one of them will honour. Meanwhile, in a draughty Victorian mansion in Hampstead, Mr. Morningstar wonders why his wife, a crystallographer from dynasty of diamond cutters, turns into a cursing somnambulist at night, while their daughter, Miriam, comes home from her shifts at the munitions factory with her stockings inside out. As the streets throng with khaki, the Lambs and the Morningstars must decide how to do good in a world transformed by evil. Should a scientist use her skills to maximise civilian casualties? Should a Quaker stand by as millions are murdered? And is it possible to LAOW Posterlove someone if you hate their convictions? When the two families are torn apart by war, Paul is forced to choose between his conscience and the woman he loves.

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Flash Competition: Of Love and Other Wars

rp_LAOW-Book-Cover-197x300.jpgOf Love and Other Wars – seven more copies still to win.


Thanks to Sophie and the lovely people at Simon and Schuster, we still have seven copies of, Of Love and Other Wars, to give away. As well as the book, each winner will also receive a poster of the stunning book cover.

About the book:

At a rally in the Royal Albert Hall, two Quaker brothers, Paul and Charlie Lamb, sign a pledge of peace that only one of them will honour. Meanwhile, in a draughty Victorian mansion in Hampstead, Mr. Morningstar wonders why his wife, a crystallographer from dynasty of diamond cutters, turns into a cursing somnambulist at night, while their daughter, Miriam, comes home from her shifts at the munitions factory with her stockings inside out. As the streets throng with khaki, the Lambs and the Morningstars must decide how to do good in a world transformed by evil. Should a scientist Continue reading

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Competitions: Sophie Hardach

LAOW Book CoverOf Love and Other Wars – we have ten copies plus ten posters to give away.


Thanks to Sophie and the lovely people at Simon and Schuster, we have ten copies of, Of Love and Other Wars, to give away. As well as the book, each winner will also receive a poster of the stunning book cover.

About the book:

At a rally in the Royal Albert Hall, two Quaker brothers, Paul and Charlie Lamb, sign a pledge of peace that only one of them will honour. Meanwhile, in a draughty Victorian mansion in Hampstead, Mr. Morningstar wonders why his wife, a crystallographer from dynasty of diamond cutters, turns into a cursing somnambulist at night, while their daughter, Miriam, comes home from her shifts at the munitions factory with her stockings inside out. As the streets throng with khaki, the Lambs and the Morningstars must decide how to do good in a world transformed by evil. Should a scientist use her skills to maximise civilian casualties? Should a Quaker stand by as millions are murdered? And is it possible to LAOW Posterlove someone if you hate their convictions? When the two families are torn apart by war, Paul is forced to choose between his conscience and the woman he loves.

To enter: Continue reading

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A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke – Winners

rp_Lucy-Clarke-196x300.jpgWinners of our Single Breath Competition. 

Thanks to Lucy and Harper, we had three copies of A Single Breath to give away. 

Well done to Emma in Birmingham, Vanessa in Glamorgan and Kat who have all won a copy of the new novel from Lucy Clarke. 

About the book: 

When Eva’s husband Jackson tragically drowns, she longs to meet his estranged family. The journey takes her to Jackson’s brother’s doorstep on a remote Tasmanian island. As strange details about her husband’s past begin to emerge, memories of the man she married start slipping through her fingers like sand, as everything she ever knew and loved about him is thrown into question. Now she’s no longer sure whether it was Jackson she fell in love with – or someone else entirely…


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Blog Tour: Win a Copy of A Single Breath

A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke – we have three copies to give away.

Thanks to Lucy and the lovely people at Harper, we have three copies of A Single Breath to give away.

Harper, March 2014.

Harper, March 2014.

About the book:

When Eva’s husband Jackson tragically drowns, she longs to meet his estranged family. The journey takes her to Jackson’s brother’s doorstep on a remote Tasmanian island. As strange details about her husband’s past begin to emerge, memories of the man she married start slipping through her fingers like sand, as everything she ever knew and loved about him is thrown into question. Now she’s no longer sure whether it was Jackson she fell in love with – or someone else entirely…

To enter: Continue reading

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Winners of our Half Bad Competition

We had two copies of Half Bad by Sally Green to give away.

rp_HalfBad_PB_COV_HighRes-194x300.jpgThank you to all who entered our competition to win a copy of the fantastic Half Bad by Sally Green.

Well done to Lisa in Manchester. She would like the ability to turn back time like Hermione could with the time turner in Harry Potter.

Also congratulations to Peter in Folkestone who would like the ability to fly.

You have both won a copy of Half Bad.

A bit about the book:

Half Bad is about one boy’s struggle for survival in a hidden society of witches. You can’t read, can’t write, but you heal fast, even for a witch. You get sick if you stay indoors after dark. You hate White Witches but love Annalise Continue reading

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Half Bad Blog Tour: Win a copy of Half Bad by Sally Green

We have two copies of Half Bad to give away. 

HalfBad_PB_COV_HighResTo celebrate the blog tour for Half Bad by Sally Green, we have two copies to give away. 

A bit about the book: 

Half Bad is about one boy’s struggle for survival in a hidden society of witches. You can’t read, can’t write, but you heal fast, even for a witch. You get sick if you stay indoors after dark. You hate White Witches but love Annalise, who is one. You’ve been kept in a cage since you were fourteen. All you’ve got to do is escape and find Mercury, the Black Witch who eats boys. And do that before your seventeenth birthday.

How to enter: 

To be in with a chance to win a copy of Half Bad, all you have to do Continue reading

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Rosie Project Competition Winners

Penguin, 2014

Penguin, 2014

And the winners are… 

Thank you to all who entered our competition to win a copy of The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. 

Well done to our three winners: Caroline Stockwell from Clacton on Sea, Theresa Baker from Wakefield and Danny from London. 

About the book…

‘I’m not good at understanding what other people want.’‘Tell me something I don’t know . . .’Love isn’t an exact science – but no one told Don Tillman. A thirty-nine-year-old geneticist, Don’s never had a second date. So he devises the Wife Project, a scientific test to find the perfect partner. Enter Rosie – ‘the world’s most incompatible woman’ – throwing Don’s safe, ordered life into chaos. But what is this unsettling, alien emotion he’s feeling?

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion is published in paperback by Penguin, £7.99 paperback.


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