I am so excited to be one of the blogs revealing the cover for The Banjo Book Two. This is the latest novel from Elaine Spires.
Before we reveal the cover, here’s a little about the book…
The 1970s. Zany fashions brought the Decade That Taste Forgot. Change is in the air. Decimal currency; the Common Market; widespread strikes; the Winter of Discontent; IRA bombings; the sale of Council houses and quickie divorces make their mark on the whole country including the community of the Banjo.
The eight households who live in Cromwell Close experience births, deaths, marriages, shocks and surprises but as the 70s become the 80s and beyond Dagenham undergoes great transformation. The once close-knit Community is changing.
OK, without further ado, here’s the cover. One..two…three….
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