Can you hear those bells? Ho, Ho, Ho, it’s December.
For me, this time of year means advent calendars (I am firmly in the never too old for one camp), decorating my Christmas tree, Christmas films, even the really cheesy ones, and belting out the Christmas songs. I’m not so sure if my neighbours are a fan of the last one.
Another thing I love about this time of year is the Christmas fiction. There’s not many things I like more than to find a cozy jumper and snuggle down with the Christmas lights on. Also required – a hot chocolate, a cat curled up on my lap and a festive novel to fall into.
I can’t do much about the hot chocolate, the cat or the comfy spot from here but I can give you a suggestion for a book. This month, the book I’ve picked is The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year by Ally Carter.
This book sounds amazing. The blurb makes it feels so fun. Festive feels and a puzzle – what else could I ask for? I am a big fan of this author and I hope that you’ll join me in reading this novel this month.
Our book club is open to anyone and you don’t even have to go out in the horrible weather. Don’t worry if you’ve not started yet, you are welcome to join in at any point in the month or maybe you’ve already read it? I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts about this book in the comments below. I have even added a question to get the discussion going.
However you approach December, I hope you have a wonderful month full of twinkly lights and chocolate.
About The Most Wonderful Crime Of The Year –
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.