*** Sorry, this competition has now closed.****
We have three DVD copies of the film adaptation of The Choice to give away.
When feisty medical student Gabby Holland (Teresa Palmer) moves in next door to perennial ladies’ man Travis Shaw (Benjamin Walker), it sends them both on a romantic journey neither ever dreamed possible. After a whirlwind courtship, Gabby and Travis wed and build a family together, making every decision hand-in-hand until one of them is forced to make the most important choice of their life alone. A poignant and life-affirming celebration of love, marriage and family that explores the most heart-wrenching question of all: how far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?
The Choice, adapted from the novel from Nicholas Sparks was released by Lionsgate Home Entertainment on 4th July 2016. It stars Benjamin Walker, Teresa Palmer, Maggie Grace, Tom Welling and Tom Wilkinson. Certificate: 12.
We have THREE copies of the DVD to give away.
To enter:
Comment on this post by the closing date of Sunday 17th July 2016 at 23.59. The three winners will then be picked at random and announced on the Novel Kicks blog on Monday 18th July 2016.
(The winners will also be contacted by e-mail shortly after. Please note that the prizes are coming from the publisher so please allow a few days for the delivery of your prize. UK only.)
Good Luck.
My verdict on the film adaptation (to read my review on the novel, click here.)
***Warning – small spoilers.***
Once again Mr Sparks you play with my emotions. The Choice is one of my favourite novels from this author and this film is what I would call a classic Nicholas Sparks story – more The Notebook than See Me.
The film is shot beautifully. The location of Travis and Gabby’s homes is particularly stunning. It is not quite how I pictured it when I was reading the novel but it is still very fitting.
I adored the novel. I do always have mixed feelings about when a favourite novel of mine is adapted into a film (Love, Rosie/Where Rainbows End especially although I did like that adaption.) Some small changes don’t worry me too much. I know that you need to change some things as they won’t work in a film format as much as they do in a book format. However, I do worry they are going to change too much and then the film will be almost unrecognisable. I liked Confessions of a Shopaholic but it was so different to the book.
The plot of this film is essentially identical to the novel; Travis is single, he seems happy, meets Gabby and realises he can’t live without her.
There are differences between the book and the movie. Gabby isn’t rich in the film. Not as much is made of the friendship between Gabby and Travis’s sister, Steph and Gabby’s boyfriend in the film is a doctor (I am pretty sure he’s not in the book.) He’s also not a bad person in the film. He’s a little more arrogant and unfeeling in the book. Him being nicer in the film is the only thing that bugged me as it meant that Gabby’s behaviour with Travis is a little less justifiable. She seems to have more reason in the book. However, even with this, you want Gabby and Travis to be together.
This film is lovely to escape into. It’s a romance in the truest sense. It had me laughing, crying and smiling. There were a couple of moments where I was doing all three at once. I can certainly see it becoming a fan favourite.
Overall I think this is a great adaptation. If you like loosing yourself with a film where there is a strong romantic hero and a beautiful love story that defies odds then The Choice is well…. a good choice. I liked this adaptation very much. I think it does the novel justice.
(Thank you to DNA-PR for the advanced viewing copy of The Choice.)
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