(Released on 16th December by Bookouture.)
The weather has definitely got colder over the past few weeks. Christmas trees are appearing in corners of living rooms and the festive scents of candles are filling the room.
It is certainly an excuse to set yourself up on the sofa or in a favourite armchair. Here are some new releases; suggestions on what you could be reading as we make the most of being warm against the cold.
The first book is The Gift by Louise Jensen.
This book sounds so good and it’s certainly being added to my TBR pile. Jenna is given a second chance when she receives a donor heart from a girl called Callie.
Jenna will always be eternally grateful to Callie and her family. She grows close to the family Callie left behind but discovers they are holding some dark secrets. Jenna feels that she is only getting half the story.
Callie’s sister, Sophie has been ‘abroad’ since Callie’s death but there is something about her absence that doesn’t add up for Jenna. Then she meets Callie’s boyfriend.
Jenna is determined to uncover the truth bit it could cost her everything in the process, including her sanity.
Next up is Rogue One: A Star Wars Story by Alexander
(Released by Cornerstone Digital on 16th December, 2016.)
This is a novelisation of the film (due for release in cinemas on 15th December,) and features new scenes and expanded material. POTENTIAL SPOILER ALERT: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE MOVIE BEFORE KNOWING ABOUT THE BOOK, SKIP TO THE NEXT BOOK IN MY LIST.)
The shadows of the empire and deeply troubling rumours loom large across the galaxy. The rebellion learns of a sinister imperial plot to bring worlds to their knees. In empire domination space, a weapon of unbelievable destructive power is nearly completion – a threat that may be too great to overcome.
If the worlds that oppose the Empire have any chance, it lies with an unlikely band of allies; Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Bodhi Rook, Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus and K-250.
They need to capture plans to the Empires new weapon but as they race toward their dangerous goal, the spectre of their enemy darkens the sky: the Death Star.
(The Witcherley Book Company, 16th December
Inspector Hobbes And The Bones is the latest novel by Wilkie Martin.
This book sounds like a quirky, funny read.
There is going to be trouble. Andy Caplet’s wife goes away, someone is out to get him and he looses nearly everything in a storm.
Amazing both himself and his unhuman friend, Inspector Hobbes, he rescues flood victims and uncovers something shocking.
Is Andy being set up for blackmail or is something more sinister afoot? Hobbes believes there is and he is getting worried.
Finally, it’s Paper Hearts and Summer Kisses by Carole Matthews.
The latest book by Carole Matthews is due for release in hardback and eBook this week. This cover is so lovely so already I want to read it. That and the fact that it is Carole Matthews.
Christie is a single mother who commutes to her job in London and is taking care of her teenage son, Finn.
(15th December 2016, Sphere.)
Christie has always found comfort from her life of routine in crafting and spends any spare time she has in her parent’s summer house working on her creations. It is not long before opportunity comes knocking.
Suddenly Christie sees a different and more hopeful future for herself and Finn. There may even be love if Max Alexander is to be believed.
Then her world is turned upside down. Something has to give but what will Christie choose?
What are you all looking forward to reading? Share in the comments below.
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.
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