I have to admit, I am a sucker for quotes especially inspiring ones. I have many pinned up around my computer and I write a few in my notebook if I find one I particularly like. For me, they are important especially if I am having one of those days where writers block is rampant. They just give me that little bit of a positive push to keep going and write through any block I may have in my head. I have picked out five of my favourites.
‘The worst thing you write is better than the best thing you did not write.’
I am not sure of the origin of this quote but it is so true. I have not done a lot of writing lately and the one thing that makes you a better writer is practise. You can’t edit nothing after all. You need something on the page and I think this quote hits the nail on the head.
‘A word, after a word, after a word is power.’
I have seen this quote by Margaret Atwood many times and I love it. I am not sure why but to me, it is very very true. One word leads to another and then another and then another and before you know it, you have a first draft. The Handmaid’s Tale is also one of my favourite books so what better than to take inspiration with a quote like this.
‘Where’s the fun without a bit of risk?’
This quote is attributed to one of my writing heroines, JK Rowling. Writing a book is a risk. You are in your own head and imagination for so long and it’s a risk to write a novel and then get the courage to share it beyond you. However, it will be worth it in the end. When you finish a book and take that risk, you have already managed to do what many people only talk about. The risk is worth that right?
‘If you can dream it, you can do it.’
I am completely obsessed with Disney. It’s all so magical and it’s easy to forget that it simply began with Mickey Mouse. Although he was not an author, Walt Disney achieved a lot in his lifetime and he did not let inhibitions and hurdles get in the way. This has always been one of my favourite quotes. A little cheesy but I don’t care. It’s Disney!
‘The scariest moment is always just before you start.’
This quote is from Stephen King. I think this one is my joint favourite along with the one from Walt Disney. My biggest problem is getting started. It is getting the courage to begin and conquer the scary thought of the blank page and so this is my go to quote.
Do you have any favourite quotes? Please do share them in the comments below.
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