Greetings fellow writers.
It’s a quick catch up from me this week. As I get ready to begin to write my novel, I have been thinking a lot about what starting my book will actually mean to me.
Many people announce that they would like to write a book. It is said that everyone theoretically has a book in them.
However, despite what the overwhelming feeling of standing in front of books in a book shop will tell you, it is only a small percentage of the people who say they want to write a book, who then go on to get the courage and the motivation to get their bum in a seat and apply pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard (whatever your preference is.)
So, even beginning a book is a huge achievement.
Read advice then forge your own routine. Each person’s process will be unique to them.
Read, jot down ideas and practise your craft. Confidence is bred from experience and that can only mean one thing. You need to write.
As a great author once said to me, allow yourself to write crap. That is the nature of the first draft. This is its purpose.
If you have an idea for a novel but you’ve not summoned the bravery to start, count to three, take a deep breath and simply, begin.
(Note to myself: listen to own advice. Cough.)
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.
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