Welcome Summer. I’m pleased you could join us. I’d almost forgotten what you look like. Haven’t the last couple of days in the UK been absolutely glorious?
I do love winter. I love being able to come in out the cold, wrap up warm and snuggle. I love that chill in the air that carries with it the potential promise of snow and yes, I am a bit of a Christmas nerd.
However, I have to say that there isn’t much that beats lounging around midweek beside the sea in the beautiful summer sunshine with a cold drink, a notebook and a book which was pretty much my day yesterday.
This week has been a good one for me as I have tried to chill out a little, read, see friends and generally just watch the world go by. I feel I’ve not had much of a chance to do that recently. I’ve read some really great books (like Lying in Wait and I’m currently reading A Certain Age. Both are proving to be excellent although the jury is still out on A Certain Age as I am still reading it.)
I’ve also had a steady week writing wise. I’ve actually done some planning. After having a bit of a stall, I have now completed the biographies of my main characters and can now almost move over to plot.
One of the perks to working shifts is midweek trips to the beach in the sun.
My short story I’ve been writing is also going well. It’s called Performance Review. I may actually put a snippet on here at some point – when it’s ready that is.
My plan was to write two hundred words every day and so far, I’ve managed it. They say it takes over forty days to form a habit so only about thirty days to go. I know that two hundred words doesn’t seem like much but it is amazing how even a small word count like that can accumulate. If you’re having a block with writing, try something small. As I am discovering, even a hundred words is better than nothing.
I am very excited about the coming week. By this time next week, I’ll be able to tell you all about the Planets treatment at the Lush Spa.
It’s amazing how many ideas seem to me when I am there and am in no position to write things down.
Until next week writing people.
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.
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