First tip, Persevere, persevere, persevere! And write every single day, as every day that you do is a day that your work is improving, trust me.
Second tip? Be brave too; remember it’s highly unlikely that a publisher is going to knock on your front door and ask if you’ve any manuscripts lying around they could publish. Nothing will happen unless you take the first step and get your work out there.
Third tip, an agent is your best friend though, and I’d advice anyone starting out to secure and agent first and the rest will follow.
Fourth tip, I know it’s tough working a full-time job and writing on the side, but it can be done. So many authors (myself included,) stared out doing completely different jobs and wrote in their spare time. If you have a story to tell, no matter how busy your life is, you’ll find the time. Even if it means the dreaded early morning alarm going off every morning, you’ll find a way. so many would be authors say to me, ‘I’d love to do it…if I had more time.’ And I always say, you’ll never have more time, this is it. This is all we get. It’s up to us to make the time. Somehow.
My last and final tip is to enjoy. Love every precious minute you get to spend with your characters, because if you do, then your reader will too.
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.
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