NK Chats To…Jacqueline Bacci

Hello Jacqueline, thank you so much for joining me today and inviting me onto your blog tour. Can you tell us about After Paris and what inspired it? 

Hi. Thank you for inviting me. ‘After Paris’ is my debut novel. It is the first in a series of three. After Paris is Alyssa and Xavier’s story. The novel is set between Paris and London, but they meet in Paris outside a cafe and an instant connection forms between them as they chat. But journalist and writer Alyssa is recovering from a broken relationship and banker Xavier is an obvious player and the last person she needs at this time in her life. She walks away.

However, fate plays a hand in the relationship when they meet again under a cloak of mystery in a place that neither of them should have ever been. Back in London, Alyssa is asked to do a story for the magazine where she is a freelancer, and the story is about none other than Xavier Montgomery, who has returned to his London office.

I would say that the story then unfolds as a romantic, steamy journey as both attempt to let go of their past lives to be together. I have always been inspired by the alpha male who is adamant that no woman can ever change their lives, and the women who just by being themselves, do just that.

They are the men that profess to have no time for love in their lives but somehow find they cannot get a certain woman out of their mind. The inspiration behind this story (and the two others that follow) is love always conquers all. The steamy scenes and the glamorous settings are just the icing on the cake.


What’s your favourite word and why? 

Serendipity. I just love that word and all of the connotations it can conjure up.  Dictionary definition: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.  I think lots of romance stories are based on this concept which makes them entertaining and dreamy. Also, I have always been a firm believer that fate has a hand in what happens to us, especially in love.


What’s your typical writing day? Do you have any writing rituals? 

I don’t have any typical writing day. Sometimes I am on the train for example and an idea hits me and I just have to write it when I get home. I do tend to write my best dialogue at night when all the house and the world outside is quiet. I have been known to write all night long until the early morning light on occasions. Definite night owl.


From idea to final draft, how long does it take you to complete a novel? How do you know you’ve done enough research and editing? 

After Paris took me about three months to write but the changes and the editing took that up to about six months. This is also bearing in mind that I do have a normal day job as well, and so writing is extra. I think you can take the editing too far sometimes. The number of times I changed things was getting ridiculous, and so sometimes you just have to call a halt.

Are there things I would still change? Yes of course, but it could go on forever. Research is very important as you can’t really write about things unless they are correct. I once wrote about an architect who graduated from Oxford, but when I did my research, I found that they don’t actually offer a degree at Oxford for architecture. I had to amend it to Cambridge (who do offer by the way).


Do you have any advice to overcome writer’s block? 

What I do after staring at the screen for ages and nothing is coming to me, or I am writing complete rubbish, is turn it off and walk away. Then out of nowhere (maybe a few days or a week later) it all flows back, and I am writing it all in my head and have to get it down on paper. I end up writing for hours and hours with no problem. Weird how my mind works, and I can’t really explain it at all.


What are you currently working on? 

I have just finished the first draft of my second novel in the series. It is called ‘After the Wedding’ and is the story of Eduardo (best friend of Xavier) and Naomi (Alyssa’s best friend). Eduardo is very dark as a character and had a much harder time accepting that he had fallen in love with Naomi, who is feisty and strong and perhaps the only woman who could capture the heart of someone like him. Eduardo’s journey is perhaps the most extreme and  has all the twists and the angst involved with this but of course the ending is happy


Which three people (living or dead) would you invite to dinner and why?

Agatha Christie – absolute heroine of mine. I would ask her how she thought of all those plots and how she created such iconic characters such as Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot.

Oscar Wilde – love his writing and his stories always have an element of humour. But also, his private life was tragic and amazing at the same time.

John F Kennedy as I think he was charismatic and also had a vision to really change things for the better.


In your opinion, what is the most common mistake a new writer can make?

I would say not researching well. Setting the story in a place you have never been to is acceptable, but you need to carry out your research. But as a new writer you learn from your mistakes and just get better.


Which fictional world would you like to visit and why?

Vampires have always been fascinating – especially those new very sexy vampire stories when the vampire is handsome and irresistible. But I wouldn’t like him to be evil – a nice vampire with a heart.


Any other advice for new writers? 

Always write from your heart. There is no wrong or right way, and your voice is your voice. Don’t compare yourself to others because it will drive you crazy.


Would you rather – 


Have the ability to see into the future or be able to visit the past?

Visit the past.


Have the ability to move things with your mind or read minds?

Read minds.


Sing or dance to your favourite song for the rest of your life?

Dance always.


Have money or power?

Money as a certain power comes with money.


Have an endless summer or winter?



Drink tea or coffee?

Can I say both? Coffee in the morning – Tea in the afternoon.


See the movie or read the book first?

Read the book.


Read a Paperback or eBook?

Both again. Nothing like a paperback but ebook is convenient, and you can take loads on holiday digitally and download more if you run out.


Would you rather have magical powers here on earth or live in a magical place without powers?

Magical powers on earth. The things I would change….



About Jacqueline Bacci –

Hey everyone

My name is Jacqueline Bacci. I am married with one son and live in the beautiful county of Essex, just outside of London.

I started writing books many moons ago, whilst still at school, and I have an old chest upstairs in my house filled with dozens of handwritten manuscripts. My writing was for my own pleasure, and I lost myself for hours in the love lives of the couples who only existed in my head and my heart. If I was a piece of seaside rock, I would have the word ‘romance’ written right through me.

I lived in Florence Italy for a few years in my twenties as I longed to learn the Italian language and I came away with a passion for everything Italian (plus an Italian husband!)

My books are about love and sizzling passion and couples who overcome every obstacle to be together and there is always a happy ever after.

After everything, love conquers all.

Come and say hello to me over on Instagram.


About After Paris – 

They met twice that day. Once as Alyssa James, journalist and Xavier Montgomery, businessman and once as Mr Casanova and Papillon. Alyssa James had already had her heart destroyed once and so resisting Xavier Montgomery is the right thing to do. But she can’t. Xavier Montgomery is annoyed that he let Alyssa go. He should have got her number. The connection with her was real, she must have felt it too. Then he met Papillon.

It was only meant to be one night in Paris.

But sometimes, what happens in Paris doesn’t always stay in Paris….

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I’m Laura. I started Novel Kicks in 2009. I wanted a place to post my writing as well as give other writers like me the opportunity to do the same. There is also a monthly book club, a writing room which features writing prompts, book reviews, competitions, author interviews and guest posts.

I grew up by the sea (my favourite place in the world) and I currently live in Hampshire. I am married to Chris, have a cat named Buddy and I would love to be a writer. I’m trying to write the novel I’ve talked so much about writing if only I could stop pressing delete. I’ve loved writing since creative writing classes in primary school. I have always wanted to see my teacher Miss Sayers again and thank her for the encouragement. When not trying to write the novel or writing snippets of stories on anything I can get my hands on, I love reading, dancing like a loon and singing to myself very badly. My current obsession is Once Upon a Time and I would be happy to live with magic in the enchanted forest surrounded by all those wonderful stories provided that world also included Harry Potter. I love reading chick lit. contemporary fiction and novels with mystery.

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