NK Chats To… P. A. Sheldon

Hi Paul, thank you so much for joining me today. Can you tell us a little about your book, Fireside Horror and what inspired it? 

Hi Laura, thank you for inviting me to talk about my new book. Fireside Horror is a collection of 10 interconnected tales set in the fictional Edwardian town of Wendlelow. Each story is designed to be read individually, but when combined together gives a larger narrative which draws to a conclusion in the 10th and final tale. I was inspired by the works of M. R. James, the classic ghost story writer of the Victorian/Edwardian era, and by the Folklore of the British Isles, which I have always had a great interest in.


What were the challenges of writing 10 interconnecting stories and what was the hardest part of the writing process? 

There were a great many challenges, firstly ensuring that each story was self-contained enough that it could be picked up and read without any prior knowledge of the other tales.

I always envisioned someone reading the book, and then being able to re-read it a second time and pick up little hints and clues that connect to the final tale, dropping these little biscuit crumbs, without giving away too much, was a challenge.

I suppose the hardest part of the writing process, at least for me, was coming up with the stories themselves, the threats and problems the characters face, the ways they attempt to resolve them.


What’s your typical writing day like – do you have any rituals and a particular place you like to write? 

Being a working father with two boys, I really had to set aside time to write, I aimed to try to write for at least 3 hours a week, this would usually be when my family were in bed, I would write at the dining room table, though now my eldest son has gone to university I finally have a spare room to work in. As for rituals I don’t personally have any, but my little dog Lily does, she likes to lie on my feet while I’m writing. This is perfect in the winter months as it keeps my toes warm.


What’s your favourite word and why? 

I think my favourite word is ‘Cwtch.’ Pronounced ‘Kutch.’ It’s a Welsh word meaning a cuddle or embrace that offers warmth and safety.


If you were putting a playlist together for your book, which songs would you include? 

Given the time and setting I would have to go for some atmospheric folk tunes.  Firstly I’d pick ‘Magpie’ by The Unthanks, it was used to great effect in the British television show ‘The Detectorists’ by Mackenzie Crook. It’s a wonderful moody song. Secondly I’d pick folk singer Cara Dillon’s beautiful version of ‘She Moved Through the Fair.’ A song and a ghost story wrapped into one. Finally I’d pick Clannads iconic ‘Theme from Harry’s Game.’ It’s sung in Irish and I won’t pretend to know how it translates, but it is another haunting song that carries you away.


What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on editing ’A Crow’s Scream’ and ‘Threads of Shadow’, which tell more tales set in and around the troubled town of Wendlelow.


Which three fictional characters would you invite to a dinner party and why?

Gandalf the Grey, I’m sure he would have plenty of stories to share, and if we ran out of things to say he might do some magic tricks for us.

Mr Toad from ‘Wind in the Willows,’ he might be foolish and boastful, but I find him amusing, the only problem is he might annoy Gandalf.

Athena, the goddess of war, handicraft and practical reason, I have always loved Greek Mythology, and the chance to speak to a Greek deity would be wonderful, plus as the goddess of war and reason she could help keep Mr Toad in check.


What drew you to the horror genre and what elements do you think make up a good horror story? 

From a young age I have always loved the idea of monsters and ghosts, I suppose the right psychologist would be able to analyse me and explain why. Anyway, it’s a love I carried with me all my life. I have always enjoyed a good ghost story, particularly when the mood and tone are right, for me the correct atmosphere is essential to a haunting tale. It’s something I hope I have managed to capture in ‘Fireside Horror.’


From idea to finished book, can you take us through your process, For example, how do you know when you’ve enough research, story development or notes to begin writing?

It usually begins with an idea, it could be something as simple as an interesting title to a story. Next I have to do a bit of daydreaming, coming up with various people and scenes. Then I write out a list of characters I want to include in the story noting down any important information on them, I draft a quick description of the plot, then write out bullet points listing key scenes. Then I just start writing and see where the pen/keyboard takes me.


Any other advice for aspiring writers? 

Set aside time to write, this can be harder than it sounds, we all have busy lives and the television is a tempting distraction. But try to set aside at least two to three hours each week, time when you know you can have a bit of peace and quiet. And try your hardest to stick to that schedule.


Would you rather – 


Have the ability to see into the future or be able to visit the past?

I’m a bit of a history buff so I think I’d like to visit the past.


Have the ability to move things with your mind or read minds? 

Definitely move things with my mind, even now I can see a biscuit sat on a nearby table, if only I could float it towards me…


Sing or dance to your favourite song for the rest of your life?

I think I’d sing, though I don’t have a very good voice and it would probably end up annoying everyone.


Have money or power? 

Definitely money, that way I can ensure my family are taken care of.


Have an endless summer or winter?

That’s a difficult one, but I think I will edge towards summer, so I can admire the greenery.


Tea or coffee?

Tea, I love coffee but I don’t sleep well when I drink it.


Movie or book? 

I definitely prefer getting lost in a good book.


Morning person or night owl? 

I’m a bit of a night owl, it’s usually the quietest time to write.


Paperback or eBook? 

There is nothing quite like the smell and feel of an old, well-loved paperback.



About P A Sheldon: 

Paul Alexander Sheldon lives in the West Midlands, in the United Kingdom. he is known for writing horror stories and is greatly influenced by folklore and the works of M.R. James.

His first book ‘Fireside Horror.’ – a series of interconnected stories set in the fictional Shropshire town of Wendlelow – was released in spring 2024, ‘A Crows Scream.” his next book is due to be released in the autumn.

Say hi to Paul via his website, Facebook, X and Instagram

Click here to buy Fireside Horror on Amazon UK and Waterstones


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I’m Laura. I started Novel Kicks in 2009. I wanted a place to post my writing as well as give other writers like me the opportunity to do the same. There is also a monthly book club, a writing room which features writing prompts, book reviews, competitions, author interviews and guest posts.

I grew up by the sea (my favourite place in the world) and I currently live in Hampshire. I am married to Chris, have a cat named Buddy and I would love to be a writer. I’m trying to write the novel I’ve talked so much about writing if only I could stop pressing delete. I’ve loved writing since creative writing classes in primary school. I have always wanted to see my teacher Miss Sayers again and thank her for the encouragement. When not trying to write the novel or writing snippets of stories on anything I can get my hands on, I love reading, dancing like a loon and singing to myself very badly. My current obsession is Once Upon a Time and I would be happy to live with magic in the enchanted forest surrounded by all those wonderful stories provided that world also included Harry Potter. I love reading chick lit. contemporary fiction and novels with mystery.

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