Welcome back to the Novel Kicks Writing Room.
Crime podcasts and novels have become really popular in recent years. I can date my interest back to the time I listened to the first Serial series. There was something about how the story was told that really got my interest. I was trying to work out what happened. What evidence did they have for and against?
So, today, I thought it would be interesting to plot out a similar situation.
You have someone who has been accused of a crime and someone who has been the victim of one.
The perpetrator – who are they? How old are they? What was their relationship to the victim? Interests? Hobbies? Personality.
Who was the victim? How old were they? Hobbies? Interests? Personality? What put them in harms way?
Create the two people. Then write a small piece about the actual crime. Do it from one point of view and then from the other, making sure there is some conflicting information. Is the perpetrator claiming they didn’t do it? How serious was the crime?
You could even create a mind map whilst putting all the information together. This might be a great way to see how things connect or disconnect.
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.
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