It’s important to think about these questions when promoting your book and others that customers may ask. Also, it’s paramount to make sure that the booksellers know about them too. I only recommended books I knew something about.
By something I am meaning any extra information or activity that goes with the actual book, including launches, events, media coverage (big or small) and the main gist of the plot. This helps when people walk into bookstores wanting booksellers to tell them about good content.
On the celebrity front, you may not be on Strictly or have your own TV show but you may have a popular blog, Twitter account or website. You may be known in your local area for doing something good for the community or being part of the local newspaper, a national magazine or an international charity. You have your own story to tell and that needs to reach the consumer via online and the physical bookshop environment.
There are many ways to do this that are not costly and the first is working on your digital presence – can people find you easily? Are all your sites linked up and tied into Google? Are you reaching out rather than waiting for people to find you? Are you emailing bookshops and showcasing your extra content?
Think of your story. Who will want to read it? Is is literary or a bit of fun? Do you have a niche audience or a very general one? Is there anything you could produce to make it easy and cheap for bookstores to promote you? At this stage think postcards, bookmarks, badges – they can be printed in small quantities if you walk into a printer shop or equally make them at home. Use the book cover and images on these items as you already have the artwork and all you need to do is get it resized.
Talk about yourself like you are part of the deal. That way you will be remembered. There are still a lot of printed books out there, customers do really ask the questions I wrote in at the beginning. These people are the ones that you need to answer.
About Maria – I have worked with books for 10 years, selling, stacking, event hosting, marketing and even making posters of them! I have double-stacked shelves at home and want to offer advice to authors that may need some clarity on the book trade from time to time – you are not alone!
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