You are the author of your book (s) and that makes you, by default the king of their world. Without you, they wouldn’t exist. If you hadn’t been inspired, nobody would now own your masterpiece. Correct.
However, now you are king (or Queen) you have to decide how to rule. There are a few types of reigning authors:
The dictator– You believe your book is the greatest thing ever read and that if people aren’t paying attention to it or doing enough for it they have a problem.
The Laid Back Larry– It’s done, you are sure somebody will read it and you are far too busy to tell everyone about it – that’s what the bookshops are for – right?
The No Hoper– You don’t think anyone will read it anyway so you won’t make a fuss and people will come and find you if they like it
The self-promoter– You drag yourself across the country visiting bookstores, tweet everyday, you have your own website, things are going ok but you always feel there is more you could do.
Maybe you are a bit of each of these rulers supreme. You started off making everyone read your book, then you rested a bit and gave yourself a well-earned break, then the fear set in that nobody wanted to read your creation so now you have been running yourself ragged trying to drum up some interest…
This is a common pattern and caused by thinking inwards. What happens is you lose all sense of planning because the panic of never getting off the ground sets in. When you suddenly descend into the self-promotion stage, you forget that the world you are promoting yourself to contains all the competition, weaknesses and everyone else shouting about themselves to your potential customers and influencers.
How do you get out of this mindset? I will start by asking you to think big. This means making yourself bigger than everything and answering the question – If you had no restrictions whatsoever, what would YOU do to promote your book? It can be ANYTHING. Why not take a moment and write down all your ideas then, in another two weeks come back to Novel Kicks and find out how it can help you in the long-run.
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About Maria- I have worked with books for 10 years, selling, stacking, event hosting, marketing and even making posters of them! I have double-stacked shelves at home and want to offer advice to authors that may need some clarity on the book trade from time to time – you are not alone!
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.
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