I’ve been trying to write my first book for a while now. I submitted a few chapters of it to the RNA New Writers scheme last August and the feedback told me that I should know my characters and to go back to the beginning and research them (even if certain details don’t end up in the book.) It also didn’t help that through panic, I rushed the writing process… a lot.
This advice is something I have taken to heart and that is what I’m doing. However, there is a niggling thought that I should just be writing the book and that it’s not going to write itself. I’m also worried that I’m going to get too buried in facts. However, when I went back and wrote a summary, the words did seem to flow better when I had an idea of what I was writing about and aiming for.
I ask published authors the question of whether they plan prior to starting a novel a lot as I am always interested in the answer. It varies from author to author. Some plan religiously where as some don’t. I read of one author who simply writes a few lines on a piece of card including character names and then sees where it leads.
Although I want to just get on and write, planning does seem to help me focus better.
What do you think? Should you plan when writing a novel or does planning hinder the spontaneity of the plot?
Novel Kicks is a blog for story tellers and book lovers.
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